Sony DCR-TRV255E: How do I get movie onto PC?



I am trying to get movie from Sony Handycam onto PC to ultimately create a
DVD or at the very least a VCD. Using Movie Maker i can only save as .wmv,
and using nero I get 5 mins of audio, but pictures are compressed into a
10sec clip! Using the Sony software is useless as it either drops frames or
is really bad quality! Any one figured this out? Any help much appreciated.


If this camcorder has a DV-out port (must do as all do these days); then buy
a firewire card and cable if you dont have these already. Use these to
capture video in Movie Maker in DV AVI format. Edit in Movie Maker and save
again as DV AVI file. The setting to save in DV AVI is somewhat hidden: When
saving movie through the wizard, select "show more choices" in the Movie
Settings dialog found unde the "Best choice for my computer (recommended)".
This should now show a lot more choices. Select DV AVI from the drop down

Use the saved DV AVI file to make your DVD using a DVD Authoring package
such as MyDVD / Nero Showtime etc. If your authoring package does not
support DV AVI files then you need to use a MPEG2 encoder such as TMPGenc to
encode the file to MPEG2 format.

Also see

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