Something like NDoc for CF2.0



Hi all,

NDoc doesn't seem to work for Compact Framework 2.0.
Are there other Tools available for Documentation?
I tried Document X, but it didn't work because it cannot find HTML

Greetings and thanks in advance

Michael Nemtsev

Hello (e-mail address removed),

Try this one:
NDoc doesn't seem to work for Compact Framework 2.0.
Are there other Tools available for Documentation?
I tried Document X, but it didn't work because it cannot find HTML
Greetings and thanks in advance
Michael Nemtsev :: blog:

"At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not
cease to be insipid." (c) Friedrich Nietzsche


Thanks, I will wait for it! Where did you get that information from? On
the homepage I couldn't find that!


Christoph Nahr

Thanks, I will wait for it! Where did you get that information from? On
the homepage I couldn't find that!

The SourceForge page links to mailing lists for the project, and
there's some discussion on recent developments. Also, I'm currently
testing the alpha version myself -- I asked the maintainer (Kevin
Downs) to get put on the list, and that was that. :)

The public e-mail Kevin posted for requests to be added to the test
program was this: (e-mail address removed)

If you're anxious to get a hold on the current alpha you should write
him and ask to be added to the list of testers. Note that quite a few
things aren't fully working yet, though...

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