Some wierd and wonderful macro required



Hi all, sorry about the subject line but I don't know how to define the
problem in a short way.

Basically, a work buddy has a spreadsheet with the following criteria

Column C contains a manually input date which displays a maturity date of a
service in the following format dd/mm/yyyy

Column D COntains a value for the service in a two decimal currency

Assume there are 10 rows of each

When I run the macro, I would like to have a cell display the sum of the
total values.

Now the interesting bit. If I run the macro and the date value of colum C
is less than TODAY's date, I would like to miss leave out the value field for
that particular row. Ideally, turning that row RED also would be fantastic
as it would immediately show matured services without having to look to

Thanks in advance


Bob Phillips


to turn it red , select all the rows (assuming starting at 2) and use
conditional formatting with a condition of Is Formula, and a formula of




(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

Bernie Deitrick


No macro needed.

=SUMIF(C:C, ">=" & TODAY(),D:D)

will return the sum you want.
Select all of column C, and Use Format / Conditional Formatting.... with the option Cell Value is..
Between, and use 1 as the lower value and a cell reference (let's say cell E2) where that cell (E2)
has the formula


Set your background as red, and you'll get the matured dates highlighted.

MS Excel MVP


Thanks Bob & Bernie

Solution worked brilliantly - I wish I was good at this stuff.



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