Some results that I do not want to Print



In certain cells that contain formulas, the results gives me a Zero or where
the results gives me an error message....I want to see this on the screen,
however, I do not want these results to print. Here are my examples:
C40 =SUM(C8:C38) ....nothing has been entered into C8:C38, so the result
is 0.
C41 =Average(C8:C38) entries in C8:C38, resulting in error: #DIV/0!

These results are great on the screen, but I do not want them to print out.
-- Melody

Gord Dibben



Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Bernard Liengme

If the number of cells is small, use conditional formatting to have the font
the same colour as the background if certain conditions apply (ie =C40=0 or
=ISERROR(C41)). On the screen you can se the value in the cell when it is
best wishes

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