Some Help



Posting for a friend; he is stuck out on a ship with very poor internet
access. I put all three questions in one Post (so I dont get blasted for
MultiPosting ! )
If anyone is able to help out, it would be very much appreciated !

Please post these questions for me on that access newsgroup you told me
about, I cant figure these things out. My division officer asked if I knew
access and i said "a little", and now im the ship expert.
NAVY (Never Again Volunteer Yourself)

1) How to using hanging indent in a subreport in a report

2) How to capitalize dates. Ex Sep 2006 to SEP 2006. I tried the UCase
Function in an expression, but it doesnt seem to work in a Date Field (works
fine in a text field).

3) How to make a subreport within a report use the down and then across
style of columns. Not the whole report, but just the subreport.

Duane Hookom

1) The easiest method I can think of to create a hanging indent is to
divide the text into a first sentence and the remainder. Display these
in two different text boxes.

2) UCase(Format([OrderDate],"mmm yyyy")) might work

3a) One method is to create a calculated column in the subreport's
record source that can be used to set the sorting and grouping
so that Across then Down "looks" like Down then Across.

3b) Another method is to create a calculated column in the subreport's
record source that can be used to number the first 1/3 records
with the number 1, the next 1/3 with the number 2, and the
final 1/3 with the number 3. You can then place 3 copies of a
single column subreport and use Link master/child to text boxes
with control sources of =1, =2, and =3.

BTW: posting these three questions in individual threads/posts would be
considered better practice. What is frowned on is if you posted question 1
to multiple different News Groups.

Al Campagna

1. I recommend Duane Hookom's method from 6/5/2003....
"You could use two text boxes. The first one would be a bit wider and would
have a control source like:
=Left([YourField],InStr(40,[YourField]," "))
The second would have a control source of:
=Mid([YourField],InStr(40,[YourField]," ")+1)
You might want to change the 40 to a number that matches approximately the
number of characters you need on the first line.

2. =UCase(Format(Month(Date()),"mmm")) & " " & Year(Date())

3. Use PageLayout/Columns (Down and Across) in the subreport just like you
would on a main report.
Set the subreport itself to CanGrow = No, and make the height tall enough
so that your data does not "over-run" the subreport height.

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