Solving Sudoku using Excel



Sudoku equations are quite linear and I believe that Excel can definitely be
used to solve a game that has at least 25-30 numbers to begin with. Does
anyone have any suggestion on how to solve it?

Luke M

While it is possible, it's not quite as simple as you may think. However,
here's an example of a Sudoku solver that uses just logic (the same way XL

There's also a link to show it solved step-by-step. Hopefully this gives you
some ideas.

Bernard Liengme

A Google search with "Excel Sudoku" yields about 3 million hits
best wishes


Here is my code for solving SDOKU. It uses a recursive algorithm to get the
solution by trying every combination. You could speed up the code by adding
inteligence. the code works within a couple of minutes for a standard 9 x 9

Dim Completed As Boolean
Dim RecursiveCount As Integer
Sub Sudoku()
Const SudukoSheet As String = "Sudoku"

Dim Board(9, 9) As Integer
Dim BoxColumn As Integer
Dim BoxRow As Integer
Dim CheckColumn As Integer
Dim CheckRow As Integer
Dim Column As Integer
Dim ErrorColumn As Integer
Dim ErrorRow As Integer
Dim ErrorString As String
Dim FirstColumn As Integer
Dim FirstRow As Integer
Dim Number As Integer
Dim NumerFound As Boolean
Dim Row As Integer

Completed = False
RecursiveCount = 1

'check for errors
For Row = 1 To 9
For Column = 1 To 9
If (Worksheets(SudukoSheet).Cells(Row, Column).Value <> "") Then

If (Worksheets(SudukoSheet).Cells(Row, Column).Value < "1") Or _
(Worksheets(SudukoSheet).Cells(Row, Column).Value > "9") Or _
(Len(Worksheets(SudukoSheet).Cells(Row, Column).Value) <> 1) Then

ErrorString = "Incorrect Value in cell " + Chr(Asc("A") + Column
- 1) + CStr(Row)

MsgBox (ErrorString)
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Next Column

Next Row

For Row = 1 To 9
For Column = 1 To 9

If Worksheets(SudukoSheet).Cells(Row, Column).Value = "" Then
Board(Row, Column) = 0

Board(Row, Column) = Worksheets(SudukoSheet).Cells(Row, Column).Value
Worksheets(SudukoSheet).Cells(Row, Column).Font.Bold = True
Worksheets(SudukoSheet).Cells(Row, Column).Font.ColorIndex = 1
End If

Next Column

Next Row

'check for errors

NumberFound = False
For Row = 1 To 9
For Column = 1 To 9
If Board(Row, Column) <> 0 Then
Number = Board(Row, Column)

'check column
For CheckRow = 1 To 9

If (CheckRow <> Row) And (Board(CheckRow, Column) = Number) Then

NumberFound = True
ErrorColumn = Column
ErrorRow = CheckRow
Exit For

End If

Next CheckRow

'check row
If NumberFound = False Then
For CheckColumn = 1 To 9

If (CheckColumn <> Column) And (Board(Row, CheckColumn) =
Number) Then

NumberFound = True
ErrorColumn = CheckColumn
ErrorRow = Row
Exit For

End If

Next CheckColumn

End If

'check box
If NumberFound = False Then

BoxColumn = (3 * ((Column - 1) \ 3)) + 1
BoxRow = (3 * ((Row - 1) \ 3)) + 1

For CheckRow = BoxRow To (BoxRow + 2)

For CheckColumn = BoxColumn To (BoxColumn + 2)

If (CheckRow <> Row) And (CheckColumn <> Column) And _
(Board(CheckRow, CheckColumn) = Number) Then

NumberFound = True
ErrorColumn = CheckColumn
ErrorRow = CheckRow
Exit For

End If

Next CheckColumn

If NumberFound = True Then

Exit For

End If

Next CheckRow

End If

End If

If NumberFound = True Then

Exit For

End If

Next Column

If NumberFound = True Then

Exit For

End If

Next Row

If NumberFound = False Then

FirstColumn = 0
FirstRow = 1
Call SolveSudoku(Board, FirstRow, FirstColumn)
ErrorString = "Duplicate Value in cell " + Chr(Asc("A") + Column - 1) +
ErrorString = ErrorString + " and cell " + Chr(Asc("A") + ErrorColumn -
1) + CStr(ErrorRow)
MsgBox (ErrorString)

End If

If Completed = False Then
Response = MsgBox("There is no solution to this puzzle. Press OK to
End If

End Sub
Sub SolveSudoku(Board, OldRow As Integer, OldColumn As Integer)
Const SudukoSheet As String = "Sudoku"

Dim NewBoard(9, 9) As Integer
Dim BoxColumn As Integer
Dim BoxRow As Integer
Dim CheckColumn As Integer
Dim CheckRow As Integer
Dim Column As Integer
Dim FirstColumn As Integer
Dim FirstLoop As Boolean
Dim Found As Boolean
Dim Number As Integer
Dim NumerFound As Boolean
Dim Row As Integer

For Row = 1 To 9
For Column = 1 To 9

NewBoard(Row, Column) = Board(Row, Column)
Next Column
Next Row

'increment row and column to next box
If OldColumn = 9 Then
CheckRow = OldRow + 1
CheckColumn = 1
CheckColumn = OldColumn + 1
CheckRow = OldRow
End If

'find empty cell
Found = False
FirstLoop = True
For Row = CheckRow To 9
If FirstLoop = True Then
FirstLoop = False
FirstColumn = CheckColumn
FirstColumn = 1
End If

For Column = FirstColumn To 9

If NewBoard(Row, Column) = 0 Then
Found = True
Exit For
End If

Next Column

If Found = True Then
Exit For
End If

Next Row

If Found = False Then
Completed = True
For Row = 1 To 9
For Column = 1 To 9
Worksheets(SudukoSheet).Cells(Row, Column).Select

If Selection.Value = "" Then
Selection.Value = NewBoard(Row, Column)
Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 3
End If

With Selection.Font
.Name = "Arial"
.Size = 24
.Strikethrough = False
.Superscript = False
.Subscript = False
.OutlineFont = False
.Shadow = False
.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
End With

With Selection

.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
.WrapText = False
.Orientation = 0
.AddIndent = False
.IndentLevel = 0
.ShrinkToFit = False
.ReadingOrder = xlContext
.MergeCells = False
.ColumnWidth = 8.3
End With

Next Column

Next Row

For Number = 1 To 9

NumberFound = False
'check column
For CheckRow = 1 To 9

If NewBoard(CheckRow, Column) = Number Then

NumberFound = True
Exit For

End If
Next CheckRow

'check row
If NumberFound = False Then
For CheckColumn = 1 To 9

If NewBoard(Row, CheckColumn) = Number Then

NumberFound = True
Exit For

End If

Next CheckColumn

End If

'check box
If NumberFound = False Then

BoxColumn = (3 * ((Column - 1) \ 3)) + 1
BoxRow = (3 * ((Row - 1) \ 3)) + 1

For CheckRow = BoxRow To (BoxRow + 2)

For CheckColumn = BoxColumn To (BoxColumn + 2)

If NewBoard(CheckRow, CheckColumn) = Number Then

NumberFound = True
Exit For

End If

Next CheckColumn

If NumberFound = True Then

Exit For

End If

Next CheckRow

End If

If NumberFound = False Then

NewBoard(Row, Column) = Number
Call SolveSudoku(NewBoard, Row, Column)

End If

If Completed = True Then
Exit For
End If

Next Number

End If

End Sub
Sub Clear()
Const SudukoSheet As String = "Sudoku"

Dim Column As Integer
Dim Row As Integer

For Row = 1 To 9
For Column = 1 To 9

Worksheets(SudukoSheet).Cells(Row, Column).Value = ""

Worksheets(SudukoSheet).Cells(Row, Column).Font.ColorIndex = 1

Next Column

Next Row

End Sub

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