Solution to Internet connection not available...



I found the solution to this, I think. Do you have the Google toolbar
installed and running? If so, uninstall it (Control Panel > Add/Remove
Programs). I did that and it fixed the problem immediately. The only thing
I was using it for anyhow was for a pop-up blocker, and I just downloaded
another freeware one that somebody posted a link to around here.

Here's the download site:
He has two versions, a freeware one, and a shareware one you can purchase
for $20. I just downloaded the free one.


PA Bear

Do *NOT* click on the link in the original post in this thread!!!

Do *NOT* click on the link in the original post in this thread!!!

Do *NOT* click on the link in the original post in this thread!!!

Do *NOT* click on the link in the original post in this thread!!!

Do *NOT* click on the link in the original post in this thread!!!

Do *NOT* click on the link in the original post in this thread!!!
~Robear Dyer (aka PA Bear)

AumHa Forums

Protect Your PC

David Frey

You can still use the google toolbar. You only need to rename a key in the
registry to disable the valentine promo the toolbar downloaded. Simply
rename the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\NavClient\1.1\Promo key in the
registry. Of course, close all instances of IE before making that change.

I found the solution to this, I think. Do you have the Google toolbar
installed and running? If so, uninstall it (Control Panel > Add/Remove
Programs). I did that and it fixed the problem immediately. The only thing
I was using it for anyhow was for a pop-up blocker, and I just downloaded
another freeware one that somebody posted a link to around here.

Here's the download site:
He has two versions, a freeware one, and a shareware one you can purchase
for $20. I just downloaded the free one.



I unistalled, downloaded, then re-installed the Google
toolbar and that fixed the problem. Thanks BigMac!

David Frey

I tried that too, and that worked just once. The toolbar redownloaded the
promo and messes up IE again eventually. Just rename the
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\NavClient\1.1\Promo key in the registry to
make a permanent fix.


David Frey said:
You can still use the google toolbar. You only need to rename a key in the
registry to disable the valentine promo the toolbar downloaded. Simply
rename the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\NavClient\1.1\Promo key in the
registry. Of course, close all instances of IE before making that change.

For those who need to stop popups. Just disable ACTIVE SCRIPTING in the
security tab of IE6.

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