Socket.BeginAccept() problem



Hi all hope some one can help me with this prob because it is really
annoying me and I can't seem to solve it.

Just like to say thx to any one that can offer any help.

Ok the prob.

I have a server which accepts new connections using the Socket.BeginAccept()
function. This is done in its own thread using the following code.

while (ServerState)


serverSock.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(ConectionRecivedCallBack),



It passes in the server socket.

The function which is called from BeginAccept is called AcceptNewConnection
which takes in the System.IAsyncResult.

Within this function I obtain the server socket from the IASyncResult and
then use that socket to call EndAccept() to obtain a socket to the client.

Socket servSock = (Socket)asyncResult.AsyncState;
clntSock = servSock.EndAccept(asyncResult);

When running the code all is fine and works. However I started to see the
memory of my process starting to slowly creep up. I downloaded a demo
version of .net memory profiler to see if I could trace back the problem.

I tracked down the memory leek to System.Net.Sockets.AcceptAsyncResult.
According to .net memory profiler loads of these were being created and not
freed up.

I came to the conclusion that this was because for ever BeginAccept that was
being called there was not a EndAccept for all of them. Therefore I decide
to place a EndAccept call instead the while loop just after the BeginAccept.

I then ran .net memory profiler again and the memory leek was gone. However
I now had a problem where a user could not always connect to the socket.
Sometimes they could and sometimes they could not.

I guess what im asking is am I doing something wrong ?

Is there a correct way to do this ?

Does any one know what's going on ?

I hope you can understand my problem, I realise it is a bit wordy and im
sorry for that.

Thx for any help



Just to let you know iv solved the prob. I see what i was doing wrong now
and have solved it using a

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