Smart four digit sorting procedure


Nic Daniels


I was wondering if there is any smart way you can sort lists of numbers with
some common features:


9.9A-3068 Steel Structure
9.9A-3068 Steel Structure for GGH
99a3068 rev 4com.pdf

You may notice that there are four digits in all of these files. However,
they are in different positions making the built in sorting function useless.
Is there any smart way to sort them according to the four digits and then
(the following numbers/letters) based on normal rules applied when sorting?

When this is done (I trust that you can help me!), I’d like each file (the
ones first in line) with a unique four digit set to be copied into the row to
the right.

99a0019_1-1.pdf 99a0019_1-1.pdf
99a0021_1-1.pdf 99a0021_1-1.pdf
99a0022-0.pdf 99a0022-0.pdf
9.9A-3068 Steel Structure for A 9.9A-3068 Steel Structure for A
9.9A-3068 Steel Structure for B

Thank you! I look forward to hearing some smart ideas.


I put the 4 digit number in columnm C and then sorted by Columns C and Column

Sub SortNumbers()

LastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For RowCount = 1 To LastRow
MyStr = Range("A" & RowCount)
For CharCount = 1 To (Len(MyStr) - 3)
ThisChar = Mid(MyStr, CharCount, 1)
NextChar = Mid(MyStr, CharCount + 1, 1)
NextCharPlus1 = Mid(MyStr, CharCount + 2, 1)
NextCharPlus2 = Mid(MyStr, CharCount + 3, 1)
If IsNumeric(ThisChar) And _
IsNumeric(NextChar) And _
IsNumeric(NextCharPlus1) And _
IsNumeric(NextCharPlus2) Then

Number = Mid(MyStr, CharCount, 4)
Range("C" & RowCount) = Number
Exit For
End If
Next CharCount
Next RowCount

'sort data
Rows("1:" & LastRow).Sort _
header:=xlNo, _
key1:=Range("C1"), _
order1:=xlAscending, _
key2:=Range("A1"), _

'move first item to column b
'first row always gets moved
Range("B1") = Range("A1")
For RowCount = 2 To LastRow
If Range("C" & RowCount) <> Range("C" & (RowCount - 1)) Then
Range("B" & RowCount) = Range("A" & RowCount)
End If
Next RowCount

End Sub

Nic Daniels

You're brilliant! Thanks! What if you add some information:

08.07.2008 10:20 99m0059-0.pdf
30.08.2006 12:59 99m0059-1.pdf
04.06.2008 11:25 99m0060_1-0.pdf
30.08.2006 12:59 99m0060_1-1.pdf
04.06.2008 11:25 99m0060_2-0.pdf
30.08.2006 12:59 99m0060_2-1.pdf
04.06.2008 11:25 99m0062-0.pdf
30.08.2006 12:59 99m0062-1.pdf

This time you sort according to the four digits and then according to row A
(dates), the results would be:

08.07.2008 10:20 99m0059-0.pdf
30.08.2006 12:59 99m0059-1.pdf
04.06.2008 11:25 99m0060_1-0.pdf
04.06.2008 11:25 99m0060_2-0.pdf
30.08.2006 12:59 99m0060_1-1.pdf
30.08.2006 12:59 99m0060_2-1.pdf
04.06.2008 11:25 99m0062-0.pdf
30.08.2006 12:59 99m0062-1.pdf

The first file with a unique four digit number in the "sorted column" is
copied into a "new" column etc (like you did in the previous example)...

Since you seem to know it all, I was wondering if the "new" column could
then be sorted into another column without any gaps:

"New" column
99m0039-0.pdf 99m0039-0.pdf 39
99m0039-A.pdf 39
99m0039-B.pdf 39
99m0039-C.pdf 39
99m0039-D.pdf 39
99m0044-1.pdf 99m0044-1.pdf 44
99m0044-2.pdf 44
99m0044-3.pdf 44
99m0045_1-1.pdf 99m0045_1-1.pdf 45

Result in a column next to it (without gaps etc):
99m0039-0.pdf 39
99m0044-1.pdf 44
99m0045_1-1.pdf 45


Try this

Sub SortNumbers()

LastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For RowCount = 1 To LastRow
MyStr = Range("C" & RowCount)
For CharCount = 1 To (Len(MyStr) - 3)
ThisChar = Mid(MyStr, CharCount, 1)
NextChar = Mid(MyStr, CharCount + 1, 1)
NextCharPlus1 = Mid(MyStr, CharCount + 2, 1)
NextCharPlus2 = Mid(MyStr, CharCount + 3, 1)
If IsNumeric(ThisChar) And _
IsNumeric(NextChar) And _
IsNumeric(NextCharPlus1) And _
IsNumeric(NextCharPlus2) Then

Number = Mid(MyStr, CharCount, 4)
Range("E" & RowCount) = Number
Exit For
End If
Next CharCount
Next RowCount

'sort data
Rows("1:" & LastRow).Sort _
Header:=xlNo, _
key1:=Range("E1"), _
order1:=xlAscending, _
key2:=Range("A1"), _

'move first item to column b
'first row always gets moved
Range("D1") = Range("C1")
For RowCount = 2 To LastRow
If Range("E" & RowCount) <> Range("E" & (RowCount - 1)) Then
Range("D" & RowCount) = Range("C" & RowCount)
Range("D" & RowCount) = Range("E" & (RowCount - 1))
End If
Next RowCount

End Sub

Nic Daniels

Thank you.

Would it be possible just to sort the three coulums without automatically
finding the the oldest version and copy into the column right next to it, and
without printing all those numbers?

Just sorting the list based on the four digits and then based on date, but
this time sorting the files in a decending manner (the code you gave me puts
the oldest version on top)


I made the following changes

1) Found a better way of finding the 4 digit numbers. Much simplier method
2) Perfoprm the data sort descending instead of ascending
3) Put the numbers in column IV, then deleted column IV. You need to put
ther 4 digit number into the worksheet to perform the sort. Then you can
delete the numbers at the end of the macro. You will nevver know the numbers
where placed in the worksheet when the macro completes.

Sub SortNumbers()

LastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For RowCount = 1 To LastRow
MyStr = Range("C" & RowCount)
For CharCount = 1 To (Len(MyStr) - 3)
If IsNumeric(Mid(MyStr, CharCount, 4)) Then

Number = Mid(MyStr, CharCount, 4)
Range("IV" & RowCount) = Number
Exit For
End If
Next CharCount
Next RowCount

'sort data
Rows("1:" & LastRow).Sort _
Header:=xlNo, _
key1:=Range("IV1"), _
order1:=xlAscending, _
key2:=Range("A1"), _

'move first item to column b
'first row always gets moved
Range("D1") = Range("C1")
For RowCount = 2 To LastRow
If Range("IV" & RowCount) <> Range("IV" & (RowCount - 1)) Then
Range("D" & RowCount) = Range("C" & RowCount)
Range("D" & RowCount) = Range("IV" & (RowCount - 1))
End If
Next RowCount

'delete the 4 digit numbers in column IV

End Sub

Nic Daniels


This new code does not do its job.

26.01.2007 12:25 9.9M-1112 rev 2.pdf
28.02.2007 11:09 9.9M-1102 rev 5.pdf
28.02.2007 11:10 9.9M-1104 rev 4.pdf
22.06.2006 18:15 9.9M-1010.pdf
14.08.2006 15:28 ucr0001sh3-3.pdf
29.01.2007 14:39 ucP0003_13-4.pdf
30.04.2007 14:13 99m0008_1-2.pdf
30.04.2007 14:13 99m0008_2-2.pdf
06.10.2006 15:38 99m0008 rev1 com.pdf
06.10.2006 10:13 99m0008_1-1.pdf
06.10.2006 10:13 99m0008_2-1.pdf

The old code you gave me could sort the four digits independently of where
the were in the file name, but now it does not. The above list is sorted
using your new code. The files with a capital M are on top.

Kind regards, Nic


I didn't realize that VBA treated a dash as a negative sign. The following
is false

isnumeric("-") A dash by itself is not considered numeric

The following is numeric


The original ode worked because the dash by itself wasn't numeric. The new
code considered the "-111 as numeric. You wanted to sort by "1112" not

Sub SortNumbers()

LastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For RowCount = 1 To LastRow
MyStr = Range("C" & RowCount)
For CharCount = 1 To (Len(MyStr) - 3)
ThisChar = Mid(MyStr, CharCount, 1)
NextChar = Mid(MyStr, CharCount + 1, 1)
NextCharPlus1 = Mid(MyStr, CharCount + 2, 1)
NextCharPlus2 = Mid(MyStr, CharCount + 3, 1)
If IsNumeric(ThisChar) And _
IsNumeric(NextChar) And _
IsNumeric(NextCharPlus1) And _
IsNumeric(NextCharPlus2) Then

Number = Mid(MyStr, CharCount, 4)
Range("IV" & RowCount) = Number
Exit For
End If
Next CharCount
Next RowCount

'sort data
Rows("1:" & LastRow).Sort _
Header:=xlNo, _
key1:=Range("IV1"), _
order1:=xlAscending, _
key2:=Range("A1"), _

'move first item to column b
'first row always gets moved
Range("D1") = Range("C1")
For RowCount = 2 To LastRow
If Range("IV" & RowCount) <> Range("IV" & (RowCount - 1)) Then
Range("D" & RowCount) = Range("C" & RowCount)
Range("D" & RowCount) = Range("IV" & (RowCount - 1))
End If
Next RowCount


End Sub


Since you have 3 sheets it is better to specify the sheet name. Look at the
code below

Sub SortNumbers()

With Sheets("Sheet1")

LastRow = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For RowCount = 1 To LastRow
MyStr = .Range("C" & RowCount)
For CharCount = 1 To (Len(MyStr) - 3)
ThisChar = Mid(MyStr, CharCount, 1)
NextChar = Mid(MyStr, CharCount + 1, 1)
NextCharPlus1 = Mid(MyStr, CharCount + 2, 1)
NextCharPlus2 = Mid(MyStr, CharCount + 3, 1)
If IsNumeric(ThisChar) And _
IsNumeric(NextChar) And _
IsNumeric(NextCharPlus1) And _
IsNumeric(NextCharPlus2) Then

Number = Mid(MyStr, CharCount, 4)
.Range("IV" & RowCount) = Number
Exit For
End If
Next CharCount
Next RowCount

'sort data
.Rows("1:" & LastRow).Sort _
Header:=xlNo, _
key1:=.Range("IV1"), _
order1:=xlAscending, _
key2:=.Range("A1"), _

'move first item to column b
'first row always gets moved
.Range("D1") = .Range("C1")
For RowCount = 2 To LastRow
If .Range("IV" & RowCount) <> .Range("IV" & (RowCount - 1)) Then
.Range("D" & RowCount) = .Range("C" & RowCount)
.Range("D" & RowCount) = .Range("IV" & (RowCount - 1))
End If
Next RowCount

End With

End Sub

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