Slow Start


Olen R. Pearson


I have recently upgraded from ME to XP Pro. When I start Windows, it takes
a long time to come up. It appears to be scanning the three external hard
drives (total about 500GB). If I start with the external drives turned off,
it goes quickly.

Any suggestions on how to get a fast start with the drives on?




If you have a system that came with ME, you have a system that is most
probably VASTLY under built with the resources (ram, processor speed,
video capabilities, etc.) necessary to effectively operate XP Home or
Pro. Your system was probably built between Win 98SE and Win 2000 (an
excellent OS, even yet, but your system is probably even under built for
W2K). Beginning with your motherboard, it is highly unlikely it would be
cost effective to build your existing system up to operate XP Pro

If I am wrong, I would like to hear someone from the MS gurus
monitoring this NG to explain how to do what you would like to do.




I have recently upgraded from ME to XP Pro. When I start Windows, it
takes a long time to come up. It appears to be scanning the three
external hard drives (total about 500GB). If I start with the external
drives turned off, it goes quickly.

Any suggestions on how to get a fast start with the drives on?

Where in the boot up process is this slow down? In my system I have two
external USB drives. If a particular one is connected at boot up it causes
a 30 second delay getting to the boot loader menu. No such delay with the
other drive. I just turn them on after the system is booted if I need to
them, or live with the extra 30 seconds if I forget.

Olen R. Pearson

Hi Rock,

The delay appears to be mostly or entirely at a blue screen that says
something to the effect "Windows is starting up" with Windows XP and a logo
above this. At least, I can see the disk access lights activate one by one
at this screen.



Hi Rock,

The delay appears to be mostly or entirely at a blue screen that says
something to the effect "Windows is starting up" with Windows XP and a
above this. At least, I can see the disk access lights activate one by
one at this screen.
"Rock" wrote

All you can do is look in the BIOS for options, toggle legacy USB support
or see if there are other options. Nothing I did with mine made difference.
For me it's just a matter of 30 seconds if that one drive is powered up, no
big deal.

Olen R. Pearson

I remembered that the 3 external drives are still formatted as FAT32. Could
this be causing the delay?


Ron Martell

Olen R. Pearson said:

I have recently upgraded from ME to XP Pro. When I start Windows, it takes
a long time to come up. It appears to be scanning the three external hard
drives (total about 500GB). If I start with the external drives turned off,
it goes quickly.

Any suggestions on how to get a fast start with the drives on?


Windows XP Boot Logger:

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP (1997 - 2006)
On-Line Help Computer Service
Syberfix Remote Computer Repair

"Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference
has never been in bed with a mosquito."

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