Slow Playback


Eos V

My music and movies are playing back at low speed, like
an old record player at 33rpm (remember those?).
It might be because I've got a few huge media files on
there (700Mb+), but I want to get confirmation from
someone before I go deleting stuff.

zachd [ms]

Shouldn't be the files but rather your sound card's timer-
should help.

(speaking for myself and doing this in my free time)
See for some helpful WMP info.
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Eos V.

Thanks. It worked perfectly.
Shouldn't be the files but rather your sound card's timer-
should help.

I went to the link and followed the instructions. In a
nutshell: Go to control panel, then 'Sounds and Audio
Click 'Advanced' under `Speaker settings'
Go to the 'Performance' tab and try moving the hardware
acceleration down to different levels. (I actually just
clicked 'Restore defaults' and that worked fine.)

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