Slow MM2



MM2 becomes grindingly slow when assembling and editing
clips on the timeline. My cursor hops dementedly about as
the video coughs & hacks away - starts playing up after 5-
8mins of footage is addded to the timeline. Computer is
Athlon 2000, 768Mb Ramm, Nvidia geforce card w/64mbramm.
Hard disk has 4.8gb free space. Is this spec inadequate?
Have tried many things, as per Papajohn and Kelly
recommendations for previous posts; removed .tmps amd temp
internet files, defraged with RAXCO, used Kelly's "rename
Codec" download (no divxaf found) and deactivated all the
found codecs, have directx9.0c installed, tried reducing
hardware accel, downloaded and run microsofts ramm memory
test module (no issues), and have the latest nvidia driver
installed. Have blithely and ingnorantly fiddled with page
file size. Interestingly the ramm increase was quite
recent and I have noticed no difference. All to no avail,
ideas anyone?

PapaJohn \(MVP\)

Try disabling the Autorecover feature.... or change it's frequency to a
longer duration.

it's in the main menu > Tools > Options > General tab

How smoothly do the source files play in the Windows Media Player,
independent of Movie Maker?

Movie Maker 2 -
Photo Story 2 -
Photo Story 3 - use the menu branch at



Thanks for the suggestion Mr P. Very dedicated of you, you should be on
Neither disabling autorecover nor changing it from 10 minutes to an hour
resulted in any improvement. The 0.88gig 1hr5min .wmv source file ran smooth
as silk in media player 10 - I can jump to whatever location I like and the
video continues with hardly any hesitation. In movie maker, the individual
clips also run happily in the preview screen, its only when I run a 10-20min
series of clips on the timeline that things turn pear shaped.


Hello Jim,
It also happened to me because I still have over 40 GB of free space to Send to DV Camera of 1.15 hrs movie and MM2 complained of
lack Temp movie storage space. To solved my problem I bought a very cheap 200 GB.

You can also test your 4.8 GB by selecting Send to DV Camera even without anything connected. You'll be surprise as why MM2 gives
you that error message. Yes, it will slow down and most time it gives you a still frame of unpredictable duration BUT NOT when you
view each clip in Preview Windows and if your MM2 didn't complain then your final movie in whatever format you were recorded will
also come out smooth as silk.

My advice is to increase your hard drive capacity because MM2 needs more room to play around and close the rest of your programs
which you don't need especially those Instant Messenger services and even your Anti-Virus program, etc.

Hopes this help you,

Thanks for the suggestion Mr P. Very dedicated of you, you should be on
Neither disabling autorecover nor changing it from 10 minutes to an hour
resulted in any improvement. The 0.88gig 1hr5min .wmv source file ran smooth
as silk in media player 10 - I can jump to whatever location I like and the
video continues with hardly any hesitation. In movie maker, the individual
clips also run happily in the preview screen, its only when I run a 10-20min
series of clips on the timeline that things turn pear shaped.