Slide n° x of y : how ?????



Hi all,

how can I display "slide n° x of y" on my slides ?
Can find how display slide n° but not how gain access to total number of
slides in presentation.

Thanks !

Troy @ TLC Creative

Generally this is accomplished on the master slide, where you manually enter
the 'y' number. So on the master slide you would have "<#> of 46" - you type
the word "of" and the total number of slides (in my example) "46"

If you use a Title master you will need to add the same to it to display
there too.

Best Regards,
Troy Chollar
"troy at TLCCreative dot com"
TLC Creative Services, inc.


Sure, but I want he total pages number to be automatic, and not have to
manually reset it when I add/delete sldies, like we can do it in word !

Michael Koerner

Try here

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

Sure, but I want he total pages number to be automatic, and not have to
manually reset it when I add/delete sldies, like we can do it in word !

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