Slide Layout Task Pane



It's ba-aack!

I'd taken John's advice and deleted all Temporary Internet files, *.TMP
files, plus I deleted all Cookies and History (just because I do that
periodically anyway). I closed down all programs and re-booted. Just before
Win shut down, a dialog box came up saying "Shutting down [PTWSE.exe]" --
BUT I'm not sure of the exact letters before the .exe. When
everything had loaded, I did a Ctrl-Alt-Del to see what was running ...
end-tasked unnecessaries like Kodak Updater.

Opened PowerPoint and a Windows box came up saying there was a PPT file
waiting to be burnt to disk ... well bugger me, where did *that* come from?
Last time I burnt a PPT to disk was over a month ago, and my computer was
actually switched off for 2 days a week ago. This wasn't a Nero message, it
the generic Windows one. Anyway, I removed/deleted the pending item.

Started PPT, opened the file I'd been working on ... and there was the slide
layout task pane back again!

So in case this is of use to anyone else, check the last time you burnt a
PPT to CD. Check the filename, because although mine were in different
directories, the file I had previously burnt to CD and the one I'm currently
working on, both have the same filename. Might have some bearing on things.


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