slave drive inaccessible after XP reinstall


Terence Chapman

I reformatted/reinstalled XP Pro on my master disk (60 GB) with my 160 GB
slave on same cable. Install OK, works. Slave now appears as primary
partition and extended partition with preexistiing logical drive letters
there but I cant access the data or scan disk etc. I can only access the so
called primary partition on slave.

Is this b/c XP pre SP1 would not recognize large drive so that when XP
reinstalled (ie pre SP-1 XP until updated) it failed to address entire 160

What are options? Repartition w Part MAgic? at this point data recovery is
critical. Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Rich Barry

Terence, did you reinstall SP1? Are they partitioned in NTFS and your
reformat was in Fat32?

Terence Chapman

XP SP1 was added, but maybe the damage was done as when XP comes back on
line after reinstall, it "corrupted" the slave drive configuration.

both drives are NTFS and report as such

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