sirious startup problem : windows xp home edit OEM...



Hi all ;)

Since yesterday , I cant start windows anymore in regular mode. This is
what happens : I press the power button. Everything starts normal and
then the select user account screen shows up. When I select my account
, the message "Welcome" shows up and after 5 minutes (!) I see an empty
desktop (so only my wallpaper) and a cursor. I cant right click , I
cant open taskmanager, ... The only thing I can do is move my mouse.

I needed to hold the power button to shut down my laptop. I tried to
start windows in safe mode then , which also didn't work. The strange
thing is that I CAN start safe mode with the console window function.
So then I have my console window in safe mode. I managed to start
explorer.exe by going to the file manually in the command window.

Phew , Im glad to see my files again , but I dont want to start up
windows like this. I cant connect to internet (Im typing this message
on another computer).

I tried almost everything to solve this problem : I reinstalled windows
, I removed spyware , I scanned for viruses (no viruses found) , I
tried solutions that were given in google groups , but nothing worked
=(. I checked my System log files and the error code 7001 (Service
Control Manager) shows up 6 times and error code 10005 (DCOM) shows up
once. I think these errors dont have something to do with my problem ,
but I just wanted to mention them.

I dont think there actually IS a solution for this problem. Formatting
looks best to me.Does anyone has a solution for this so I will be
spared from losing a lot of settings and backing up my hard drive ?

Thanks a lot , Red


Have you tried creating another username and see if this works
normally? If it does then your old username seems to be corrupted. The
best way is to copy all your files to a new user account from the
old/corrupted account and then delete that account from the system.



Have you tried creating another username and see if this works
normally? If it does then your old username seems to be corrupted. The
best way is to copy all your files to a new user account from the
old/corrupted account and then delete that account from the system.

I tried to create another username but I still cant start regular mode.


Have you got your oiginal CD with you? If so then Repair Install will
solve the problem. To Repair Install the OS, Read this webpage:


I have the original CD and I did a repair install , but that didn't
solve the problem because it says something about registering windows
when I start up.(My friend says that this is the reason why I cant
start up this time) If I could run safe mode with network possibilities
then I would register windows but I need to start safe mode with the
console window.

Is the register error the new reason why I cant start up ?


I have the original CD and I did a repair install , but that didn't
solve the problem because it says something about registering windows
when I start up.(My friend says that this is the reason why I cant
start up this time) If I could run safe mode with network possibilities
then I would register windows but I need to start safe mode with the
console window.

Is the register error the new reason why I cant start up ?

You can't start normally because something has been corrupted. Have you
backed up your personal data? If not then go into safe mode and backup
your personal data such as Emails, Document Files, Pictures, telephone
connections etc and then do a clean install. Registering i.e.
activation, can take place when your system is up running. You
normally get 30 days of use before you are locked out. This time lag is
more than enough to get you ready. Make sure you back up everything on
a flash drive (Amazon has special offers (UK Link is here but US site
should also have offers).



RedRaven said:
If I could run safe mode with network possibilities
then I would register windows but I need to start safe mode with the
console window.

FYI: Windows cannot be activated in Safe Mode.


Hi all :)

Okay so my computer works again , this is whap happened :

- After an analysis , it was clear that there was a bug in my Windows
- I repair installed Windows with an original CD with an original key.
- I got stuck in an activation loop.
- I formatted my drive.
- I reinstalled Windows.
- Error resolved.

Thanks to everybody who helped me here ;)


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