Simulating a key stroke




I am using a rich-edit control, I want the control to adjust so any new text
added to the control will always be shown ( similar to the way VS.NET output
pane works ), in other words: any time a new text is added to the control I
want the control to manually roll down so the added text would always be
shown, achieving that manually require me to press CTRL + END each time I
want to see the last text added, I want to simulate the CTRL + END click, how
can I do that using C#? what is the C# equivalent to the Win32
Post/SendMessage? OR is there a simpler solution to achive this? what is the
best way of causing a rich-edit control to roll to it's last page ( CTRL +
END )?


You can always override the scroll messages HScroll, and VScroll, or take
ScrollBars property of RichTextBox control or if it is in MFC still it is
possible, to override the scroll messages.

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