simplest way to associate a GUID with an assembly in 2K5?



In VS.Net 2K3, a GUID use to be automatically included in the project's
assemblyinfo.vb file:

'The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed
to COM
<Assembly: Guid("9CD13E54-9AD0-4AF5-9005-BC45A3DCAA36")>

What's the easiest way to do it now? It's not for signing or COM, I just
want a unique identifier that's a little more reliable than the physical


Chris Dunaway

In VS.Net 2K3, a GUID use to be automatically included in the project's
assemblyinfo.vb file:

'The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed
to COM
<Assembly: Guid("9CD13E54-9AD0-4AF5-9005-BC45A3DCAA36")>

What's the easiest way to do it now? It's not for signing or COM, I just
want a unique identifier that's a little more reliable than the physical


If you go to the project properties and click on the Application tab,
you should see a button labeled Assembly Information. If you click
that, you should see a checkbox labeled "Make assembly COM visible".
Does that add a Guid to it? I have several VB .dll projects that have
guids for which I did not explicitly add them, so it seems like they
are being added automatically to me.



If you go to the project properties and click on the Application tab,
you should see a button labeled Assembly Information. If you click
that, you should see a checkbox labeled "Make assembly COM visible".
Does that add a Guid to it? I have several VB .dll projects that have
guids for which I did not explicitly add them, so it seems like they
are being added automatically to me.


Bingo! I can specify it right there in the dialog, too. :)
