signing in and out every minute on msn and yahoo messenger



since long i hv a problem with yahoo .it signs in and out and can only send
or receive 1 minute i tried msn messenger... its signing in and out
also all the time and let me just send 1 or 2 messages then its
reconnecting...then send again 2 messages then again reconnecting... it
drives me crazy...

is it some corrupt dll file in my com???

help me pls


In the only one <the only (e-mail address removed)> had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
since long i hv a problem with yahoo .it signs in and out and can
only send or receive 1 minute i tried msn messenger... its
signing in and out also all the time and let me just send 1 or 2
messages then its reconnecting...then send again 2 messages then
again reconnecting... it drives me crazy...

is it some corrupt dll file in my com???

help me pls

Sounds like you're disconnecting from the internet for a short time. How are
you connected to the net? Dialup? Consider re-wiring the connection - you're
probably suffering packet loss due to poor copper connection.

Galen - MS MVP - Windows (Shell/User & IE)

Please note that if you're reading this in a browser and the domain is
not owned by Microsoft then this work is being used without permission.

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am on dsl

not losing internet connecting... only lose connection with msn and yahoo .
its automatically reconnecting
other programs are working fine .. connection stays...


In the only one <[email protected]> had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
am on dsl

not losing internet connecting... only lose connection with msn and
yahoo . its automatically reconnecting
other programs are working fine .. connection stays...

As you've said it's happening with both MSN Messenger and Yahoo! Instant
Messenger the only logical reason for this would be that you're losing a
connection. There's a variety of reasons for this potentially. It could be
anything from a poor quality ISP to a misconfigured firewall. There's an off
chance that the TTL settings (time to live - the settings that determine how
long a packet will "live" or the number of hops it will take before it
expires) is messed up but that's a far flung chance and rather unlikely. It
could be that there's malware on the system that's eating your bandwidth
every few minutes as it transmits data and that's causing your pings to the
chat servers to time out and you to be disconnected. You're saying the
connection stays, I take it that that means you think it's working? The
troubles you are having indicate that it's not working, the reason that this
happens is because the connection is dropping. Without more diagnostic tools
and the ability to examine the sytem locally it's impossible to say exactly
what the trouble is and so the troubleshooting is up to you but the cause
is, with some certainty, a faulty connection to the internet for any one of
a number of reasons. Initially, I'd rule out a misconfigured firewall or
security suite application. If that is not the cause then I'd look for a
choked out connection due to malware. The first one is very different
depending on the configuration of your system and the security applications
that you've chosen to install. The other you can give a simple examination
into by following the link below.

Malware Cleaning:

Galen - MS MVP - Windows (Shell/User & IE)

Please note that if you're reading this in a browser and the domain is
not owned by Microsoft then this work is being used without permission.

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i tried everyting i can... i formatted my hard disk also.. i still hv the
same problems... msn is signing in and out after a minute ..the same with

i contacted msn abt it so maybe they hv a solution...

or any other suggestions?????

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