Sidebar *Please help*



I've noticed a lot of people are having this problem, but i have tried what
people have suggested and my sidebar still isn't working.

A couple of days ago it disappeared and i have tried numerious system
restores, but they keep failing. I tried to do a system repair but i can't
seem to get that working either. i followed the steps that were written in
another post but it didn't work out.

I'm using vista home premium

I really hope someone can help me, please!

Carey Frisch [MVP]

1. Click on Vista's blue Start button and then click on "Help and Support".
2. Type SIDEBAR in the Search box, press the Enter key.
3. Click on "Windows Sidebar: FAQ".
4. Click on "Click to open Windows Sidebar".

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows - Shell/User


I've noticed a lot of people are having this problem, but i have tried what
people have suggested and my sidebar still isn't working.

A couple of days ago it disappeared and i have tried numerious system
restores, but they keep failing. I tried to do a system repair but i can't
seem to get that working either. i followed the steps that were written in
another post but it didn't work out.

I'm using vista home premium

I really hope someone can help me, please!


It doesn't seem to be opening. I checked the task manager and sidebar is
running, but it's not actually popping up.


Hello Nay3187,

Have not seen your previous request regarding Sidebar.

Since you have tried resolving the issue, will you kindly share additional
information as: Do you have any third party software programs installed
within Vista? Are you using 32-bit or 64-bit Vista Home Preimium?

The more technical hardware and software details shared by you would most
likely gererate responses for your request from participants within these


Thanks. I haven't requested help for sidebar before; i have only read replies
to other user’s requests. I am using 32-bit home premium. Sorry, but i don’t
know much about computer terminology, what are their party programs?

I recheck task manager and sidebar is no longer there.


Hello Nay3187,

Third party applications, known as software programs, are things as, spy
ware checkers, anti-virus programs, and most anything that requires using the
DVD or CD for performing installation. However, many of the same / similar
items can be down loaded and installed while online.

Also, is your version of Vista Genuine Microsoft or OEM? the packaging
should share the information.

By the way, please be patient while waiting for responses, all the folks
within these Forums are volunteers, not employees of Microsoft.


Hi, Jonathan Schwartz 2:

I think I may have the same problem as Nay3187.

My brand new Dell 410 with OEM Vista Home Premium (32-bit) also came with
Adobe and third-party security software installed as well as some games for
sale and a trial/basic version of Corel? about pictures. When I first
started up, the Sidebar was there and accepted and deleted gadgets just fine.
After I shut down, when I came back to the Desktop there was an error
message about Sidebar saying it was working on it. But the Sidebar has
stayed gone.

This is my first computer at home and I won't have internet connection until
Tuesday, so I'm on at the library now. As you can tell, I'm purely ignorant
about computers, but I will go home and try your suggestions. Wish me luck.

Joanne J.

P.S. Thanks for volunteering; I'm glad you're here.


Same problem since 5 days after install of Ultimate from teh Technet DVD.
Sidebar worked fine for the first couple of days. After a couple of Windows
updates and a reboot, the Sidebar simply quit working. If I try to manually
start Sidebar, it simpply doesn't run, no evidence of attempt in either the
task manager or in event just doesn't start.


I am having the same problem. I closed my sidebar so that I could rearrange
my desktop............. Now that I have closed it, it will not open back up
no matter what I try. I 'click' to open sidebar, but it does not open. I have
rebooted several times but that does not work............ this is very
frustrating. I have recently purchased a Dell Inspiron 9400 with all the
bells and whistles.

Adam Albright

I am having the same problem. I closed my sidebar so that I could rearrange
my desktop............. Now that I have closed it, it will not open back up
no matter what I try. I 'click' to open sidebar, but it does not open. I have
rebooted several times but that does not work............ this is very
frustrating. I have recently purchased a Dell Inspiron 9400 with all the
bells and whistles.

By chance when you rearranged your desktop did you move any icons into
the area what the sidebar goes?

I did something similar and ended up with a shortcut where the gadgets
normally go and no matter what couldn't click on that shortcut any
more. So I moved the sidebar, then move the icon on my desktop then
moved the sidebar back. No more problem. It seems that the sidebar is
floatable and if you manage to get a regular icon where gadgets are
suppose to be it causes a layer issue which may impead normal action.


I have tried this but it does not work............. I closed the sidebar in
order to arrange my desktop icons.............. not it will not open back up
no matter what I try....... including the suggestion below.

Would appreciate any help.


I did move them where the Sidebar was previously located, but the sidebar was
already closed. I moved the icons out of the way (hoping the sidebar would
come back) but no sidebar...........

Since the sidebar is 'floatable' I have made an attempt to find it somewhere
--- if it is hiding........... but still no luck. I really appreciate your

Adam Albright

I did move them where the Sidebar was previously located, but the sidebar was
already closed. I moved the icons out of the way (hoping the sidebar would
come back) but no sidebar...........

Since the sidebar is 'floatable' I have made an attempt to find it somewhere
--- if it is hiding........... but still no luck. I really appreciate your

This is so silly. I closed my sidebar just to see if it would come
back by itself. The only way I found was to enter 'side bar' under
Windows Help, then found a link that's titled "How do I open Sidebar"
under the topic of Windows Sidebar Frequently Asked Questions. Then
from that link there is another line to click on that actually opens
the Sidebar and shows it again.

What a way to run a railroad.


Found this on another BLOG and it worked for me!!

I've also had this problem for the last few weeks, though happily I fixed it

This was in part with a call with MS support, and in part watching what
sidebar.exe was doing with Procmon. I'm not certain that my reasoning is
correct below, but you may get some mileage from it.

I suspect that an application had installed a duff copy of atl.dll (in my
case I think it was from HP's IPaq Choice Points program - as procmon showed
a reference to an HP directory when sidebar tried to start up).

I uninstalled the HP program to be sure. In the same way you may wish to
search your machine to see if you have multiple copies of atl.dll before

Upon the advice of MS support, I unregistered a couple of sidebar DLLs. This
took me a little while as I didn't realise the DLL's are in Program
Files\Windows Sidebar directory (windows search never found them for me,
which is a touch annoying). Anyway to do this bit:

1. Start an elevated privileges command prompt
2. cd "\Program Files\Windows Sidebar"
3. regsvr32 -u sbdrop.dll
4. regsvr32 -u wlsrvc.dll

I then tried to re-register them, but it wouldn't work - I just got an error
message. After some hunting around, I decided to first register (re-register
?) atl.dll. I didn't try to unregister it first, and as I definitely only
had one atl.dll now, I didn't have to go looking for it to check I had the
right one - but you might have to. I don't know what will happen in you
unregister ati.dll so be warned.

So the next bit as I did it is:

1. From the same elevated command prompt (still in the C:\Program
Files\Windows Sidebar) directory
2. regsvr32 atl.dll
3. regsvr32 sbdrop.dll
4. regsvr32 wlsrvc.dll

With the ati.dll done first, the Sidebar DLLs registered fine. Then I tried
to start sidebar.exe again and it came up fine.

I had over previous weeks deleted all the sidebar settings and such like in
an attempt to get it working, so I guess that might still be necessary as
well - but my feeling is that it's really to do with the dll's above and the
settings removal isn't important.

Hope it works out for you, because this was annoying the heck out of me for


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