Shutdown Outlook 2003 using Task Scheduler



Is this possible with XPH? I have recently loaded Shutdown Addin v1.8 which
helps Outlook exit, or forces it down if necessary, when Outlook is manually
shutdown. Unfortunately Shutdown Addin does not have scheduling capabilities
- at least not that I know of. Thanx in advance for any input.


Thomas Quester


You can do with VB, VB Script etc. In VB it looks like this:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim explor As Object
Dim olapp As Object
Set olapp = GetObject("", "outlook.application")
If Not (olapp Is Nothing) Then
If (Command$ = "minimize") Then
For Each explor In olapp.Explorers
explor.WindowState = 1
Next explor
End If
If (Command$ = "quit") Then
End If
End If
Unload Me
End Sub

compiled it can be called by task scheduler with setol quit. (Source code
and compiled application can be downloaded here:

However quitting only works if no unsaved elements are present.

Thomas Quester

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