SHS Message Window Runtime Error


Ted Mercer

I have a seasoned Dell Desktop, running Win XP Home Edition v. 5.1 SP2, and
a relatively new Dell Laptop, running Win XP Media Center Edition v. 5.1

Both machines regularly show a window titled "SHS" that contains a Run Time
Error Message: 6 for the Desktop and 429 for the Laptop. The messages seem
to do no harm but I have to keep turning them off. I have run McAfee's
Registry Clean Up but that has made no difference. The machines are linked
by a home wireless network. The problem did not occur on the Desktop until
after I acquired the new Laptop.

Thanks for any suggestions for a fix.


Ted Mercer said:
I have a seasoned Dell Desktop, running Win XP Home Edition v. 5.1 SP2, and
a relatively new Dell Laptop, running Win XP Media Center Edition v. 5.1

Both machines regularly show a window titled "SHS" that contains a Run
Time Error Message: 6 for the Desktop and 429 for the Laptop. The messages
seem to do no harm but I have to keep turning them off. I have run
McAfee's Registry Clean Up but that has made no difference. The machines
are linked by a home wireless network. The problem did not occur on the
Desktop until after I acquired the new Laptop.

Please be more specific on the exact format and wording of the error

Does this error message appear when the computer is started in safe mode?
If not do clean boot troubleshooting to see what's triggering it.

Clean Boot Troubleshooting

How to Troubleshoot By Using the Msconfig Utility in Windows XP

How to perform advanced clean-boot troubleshooting in Windows XP

How to perform a clean boot in Windows XP

Lastly, do not use a registry cleaner. They cause more problems than they
fix. The XP registry does not need regular "cleaning". These are a snake
oil remedy that can be harmful.


Hey out there....I have a Dell running Windows XP and I continue to have a
problem with a "runtime error 429". What does this mean and what can I do to
fix it. It has gotten to the point that I am considering "System Restore".
It will not let me access my Resume Builder..........Does this have to do
with an Active X?? I really need some help!

Gary S. Terhune

It *may* be an ActiveX error. When do you get the error. What are you doing
when you get it? What is the *exact* error message?

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