Showing the WTS Client windows maximized



Hi everybody

Has anyone a clue as to how to make sure that say a 800x600 client window would automatically display itself in a maximized state? When I start a connection from my Windows 2000 Pro SP3 client, it initially opens a window that is not quite big enough to hold 800x600, forcing users to scroll to see the entire content.

If it could start maximized a lot of cheers would be heard around this place :)

Matthew Harris [MVP]

Are you starting the client from a shortcut?

-----Original Message-----
Hi everybody.

Has anyone a clue as to how to make sure that say a
800x600 client window would automatically display itself
in a maximized state? When I start a connection from my
Windows 2000 Pro SP3 client, it initially opens a window
that is not quite big enough to hold 800x600, forcing
users to scroll to see the entire content.

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