Show window contents while dragging



OS: WinXP Home w/SP1

Problem: The setting for "Show window contents while
dragging" won't stick after the machine is rebooted.

Any ideas?



Yup! It's a fairly new Dell machine (12/03). It's got
the Dell Media Experience on it as well ... So is that
what's causing this setting not to stick? And if so, how
in the H#$@*&^L do you fix it???

-----Original Message-----
Dell Software. Dell Media something
message news:[email protected]...

David Candy

news://[email protected]

Is a program I wrote for someone like you (a dell consumer). Put it in the Startup folder on Start. If you can't see anything in OE go to Tools/Folder Options/Security and uncheck Do not allow


Thanks much David!!! I'll give it a try. This has been
a mystery to me since I've owned this machine. But
thanks to you, the mystery has now been solved! Dell
shouldn't take such liberties if you ask me ... Oh well.

Thanks again!
-----Original Message-----
news:// ..phx.gbl

Is a program I wrote for someone like you (a dell
consumer). Put it in the Startup folder on Start. If you
can't see anything in OE go to Tools/Folder
Options/Security and uncheck Do not allow

David Candy

What does it do this program (I delete dell's hard disks as soon as they arrive and reinstall XP clean) do? Drag Full Windows can tax some video cards.


It works like a champ, that's what it does!!! I just
followed the directions (place this program in the
Startup folder) and WALA! every time you reboot, the
setting "Show window contents while dragging" is

I thought you were the author David ... ? Oh well, in
any case, I'm a happy camper now!


PS. No taxing video card problems here ... :)
-----Original Message-----
What does it do this program (I delete dell's hard disks
as soon as they arrive and reinstall XP clean) do? Drag
Full Windows can tax some video cards.message news:[email protected]...

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