Show window contents while dragging


Desperate Dan

I have tried setting the "Show window contents while
dragging" option on in the Display Properties, but for
some reason it is always turned off the next time I logon.

What do I have to do to set this option on permanently? I
am logged on as a system administrator, but it just won't
retain that option for the next session.

I notice that the option is also present in System
Properties, where it is always set on, but Display
Properties seems to override it. Any help greatly
appreciated. Thanks.


Desperate Dan

Thanks Chad. It turns out there is an application called
Dell Media Experience that always sets this option off.
I'm told the only solution is to uninstall the
application, but I really don't want to do that.

I think I'll try to write a script that sets the registry
key on and put the script in my startup folder. I just
have to research how to do that.

Thanks again.

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