Show table in form in a matrix




In a Access database I have the following table

Id Machine Week Production
1 M1 15 200
2 M2 15 220
3 M1 16 205
4 M2 16 230
5 M1 17 195
6 M2 17 215

I would like to present this table in a form in Dataview in a matrix
(like a cross-tab-query). It must be possible for the user to edit the
values in the Production-column.

15 16 17 <---
Column Headings
M1 200 205 195
M2 220 230 215

^-- Row Headings

Any suggestions are welcome

Best regards
Ib Christian Bank


There is something called a flexi grid but I don't understand or have a need
to use them. It may work for you.

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