show/hide control w conditional formatting




I'm trying to perform, or simulate, the changing of certain control
properties with Conditional Formatting that aren't available in the
Conditional Formatting dialog box.

I want to change the Visible or BackStyle property of a control in a
continuous form on a per-record basis. The purpose of this is to show/hide a
wide textbox over several columns of smaller textboxes based on a user
selection. I can put the textbox in front and either show/hide the texbox on
each line, or make the BackStyle transparent/white for each line.

I've been directed to , which has a ConditionalFormatting
demo db which says that it shows how to do this. But, from what I can tell,
it actually only shows how to change the Enabled property, which doesn't
help me because the wide textbox would cover the smaller textboxes
regardless of enabled status.

Any help on how to do/simulate this Conditional Formatting technique, or
another way of handling the situation, would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Stephen Lebans

The CF FormatConditions object does not expose the Visible or BackStyle

You are wrong in your statement that my sample Form only manipulates the
Enabled property of the control. What I do show is how to use CF to
modify the Backcolor property of a control to have it blend into the
Background color of a form to simulate Visible/ Not Visible.


Stephen Lebans
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