Show fraction as fraction even if answer is 1


Vin Sukhadia

I have excel sheet and I am trying to get data from from two diff columns. example C23 has certain value and F23 has certain value. Now after playing around, I found the fraction C23/F23 to show as fractions, but when the answer for C23/F23 comes to 1, then it shows 1. how can I have that show 10/10?
Please help asap

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Bernard Liengme

Excel cannot be made to display an improper fraction
You could cheat and use =IF(C23=F23,"10/10",C23/F23)
You will need to change the cell format to right alignment
Be aware that the 10/10 is text so no arithmetic can be done on it.
best wishes
Bernard Liengme
Microsoft Excel MVP

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