Shared Folder is Missing...Help !



I had a standard shared folder on a perfectly good XP
Installation. This was the default share path that XP
put in when the system was installed.

The default path was C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Documents\My Pictures\

I had JPG files in this directory.

I moved the drive to the 2nd in the system (it became
Drive F:) after installing a new 80GB hard drive (C:). I
moved the operating system to the new drive and all is
well with the new install.

I can view all files on the old drive, but I can NOT
locate this shared 'Documents' directory. It contains
many images that are important. Why is this directory
missing, but everything else remains intact.

I searched all the files on the drive and it comes up
with the file shortcuts under Documents and
Settings /ron/My Recent Documents , but it cant locate
the target folder when I select it. The 'Documents'
directory appears missing from the Documents and
Settings/All Users/ folder.

Any thoughts...???

Thank You


Roger Abell

First, if you moved the system to the partition of the new
drive, did not include the Documents and Settings folder ?
You say you moved the system to the new drive.

I am trying to follow your post but get confused as you
sometimes refer to the share and sometimes say you have
looked at / searched through the filesystem.
Shares are network accessible parts of the filesystem.
When the full path for the part of the filesystem that they
share ceases to exist the share can no longer be created.

So is what you are saying is that you now have
Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Pictures
which is also displayed in Explorer as
Documents and Settings\All Users\Shared Documents\Shared Pictures
in neither the copied system on the new disk nor the original disk ?


Thanks for responding.

I installed a new drive and put the XP OP system (NTFS)
on the new drive.

I attached the old drive as a Slave Drive (NTFS) and it
comes up as 'f:'

The old folder was 'Shared' but it was hosted on this old

I am exploring 'f:' to locate the old shared files I
need, but the directory (folder) is not there. It used
to be called: Documents and Settings\All
Users\Documents\My Pictures

On the NEW drive 'c:' the default for the Shared files is
Documents and Settings\All Users\Shared Documents\Shared

ALL other folders and files exist, but not the OLD Shared

Thank You


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