shared border gone missing..



Hi all,

I use FP 2000. I did a revamp of both my bottom and top shared border
and when I republished I decided to 'upload all pages overwriting thos
on the current web' instead of my usual 'upload changed pages only'.

Now, my top border shows ok an my local machine, it shows good serve
side when I go to my website online and do a 'edit with ms front page
it still looks correct, BUT on the Internet the top border is no
there, and what is crazy is that the body of the page is there twice
one above the other as if it thinks the page itself should be a to
border. It is the same on all pages. The bottom border is fine.

It's got me, I've done a detect and repair, recalculate hyperlinks, an
repired by stuffing in the FP CD and letting it do it's stuff but stil
no good.

I even uploaded the site to a completely different URL in case th
problem was on the server, still no good. I did a copy and paste of th
top border onto the top of my home page in the hope that at least tha
would make it 'look right' but all the images are broken - duh

Help PLEASE! The url is
(this page is a good example and a quick load) I hope it is allowed t
post that, sorry if not

Thanks in advance,

Terry in the UK


Thomas A. Rowe

After doing a complete publish to an existing site, you need to then do a Change Page Only publish
to delete any content that has been deleted locally and to also update things like shared borders,

Also if prompted regard changes to the navigation, select the middle option to replace the
navigation on the destination site.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Stefan B Rusynko

You have malformed html in your main page (extra </html> tag)
It ends with:

Delete the 1st </html>

You use of massive keywords in your home page content will probably get you de-listed by the search engines rather than listed or


| Hi all,
| I use FP 2000. I did a revamp of both my bottom and top shared borders
| and when I republished I decided to 'upload all pages overwriting those
| on the current web' instead of my usual 'upload changed pages only'.
| Now, my top border shows ok an my local machine, it shows good server
| side when I go to my website online and do a 'edit with ms front page'
| it still looks correct, BUT on the Internet the top border is not
| there, and what is crazy is that the body of the page is there twice,
| one above the other as if it thinks the page itself should be a top
| border. It is the same on all pages. The bottom border is fine.
| It's got me, I've done a detect and repair, recalculate hyperlinks, and
| repired by stuffing in the FP CD and letting it do it's stuff but still
| no good.
| I even uploaded the site to a completely different URL in case the
| problem was on the server, still no good. I did a copy and paste of the
| top border onto the top of my home page in the hope that at least that
| would make it 'look right' but all the images are broken - duh
| Help PLEASE! The url is
| (this page is a good example and a quick load) I hope it is allowed to
| post that, sorry if not
| Thanks in advance,
| Terry in the UK.
| --
| Telboy
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