Shared Access Database dose not up date records



Hello everyone i have a problem that i just cant seem to figure out. I have a
very simple 2 computer network both computers running access 2003 and both
computers have an identical account with user name and pasword one computers
acts as the quote unquote server while the other acesses it via a network
drive with full permissions to the file and folder the problem is when i open
the datbase from the computer with the share and its a though it is opening a
local copy of the database and any changes made only show on the computer its
opened from.
I cant figure out for the life of me why its doing it. i have read many
threads and i didnt find any one else with this specific issue i am hoping
that some one here can help

Much appreciated


I noticed that nobody answered. Despite your best efforts your inquiry is a
little vague and confused sounding in DB terms. I think that the mere act
of thinking about / learning the answer to these question may help you figure
it out, and, if no, to answer the question.

What do you mean by "network drive" E.G. Is it a drive that is shared on
the network and accessed from other computers.

What is the file structure of your database? E.G. is it just one .mdb

How are you opening the database. By a shortcut, navigation to the file
etc... And verify that this is being done correctly / to the right paths.
Doing this might point you to a problem where you find that you have / are
accessing 2 copies of the DB.

Be specific about what you're seeing to make you say that changes are only
visible on the computer it's opened from. Are you talking about both
computers looking at the same record at the same time? Or, are you saying
that data/ changes put in by one computer neve show up at the other.

Lacking the above information, my first wild guess is that your "databasee"
might actually be 2 databases.

Hope that helps a little.


Fred said:
I noticed that nobody answered. Despite your best efforts your inquiry is a
little vague and confused sounding in DB terms. I think that the mere act
of thinking about / learning the answer to these question may help you figure
it out, and, if no, to answer the question.

What do you mean by "network drive" E.G. Is it a drive that is shared on
the network and accessed from other computers.

What is the file structure of your database? E.G. is it just one .mdb

How are you opening the database. By a shortcut, navigation to the file
etc... And verify that this is being done correctly / to the right paths.
Doing this might point you to a problem where you find that you have / are
accessing 2 copies of the DB.

Be specific about what you're seeing to make you say that changes are only
visible on the computer it's opened from. Are you talking about both
computers looking at the same record at the same time? Or, are you saying
that data/ changes put in by one computer neve show up at the other.

Lacking the above information, my first wild guess is that your "databasee"
might actually be 2 databases.

Hope that helps a little.

Hey Fred sorry i was so vauge in my question please let me give some more

The mdb is on a computer with a share on it the second computer has a mapped
network drive from the computer with the share. There is only one mdb and the
problem is that if i open the file from the computer with the mapped network
drive back to the share and change a record save it and the close it and
reopen it from the computer hosting the share it does not show the change in
the record i just made and it is also the same in the other direction meaning
that if i open it on the computer hosting the file make a change and save it
then reopen it on the computer connected to the share i get the same results.
as for the shortcut i simply created one from the desktop that pointed back
to the file on the network share and also with the recommendation from
another freind with much more access experience then i had me create a
shortcut that launched the program first then the mdb by pointg it at
C:/Program files /office11/access.exe/drive letter/then mdb and still had the
same results
I do apologize that i didnt give more information in my first post and will
try and give as much info as needed to help get my answer please forgive me
as i am new to access and do greatly appreciate any help any of you could give


John W. Vinson

another freind with much more access experience then i had me create a
shortcut that launched the program first then the mdb by pointg it at
C:/Program files /office11/access.exe/drive letter/then mdb and still had the
same results

I am certain that the shorcut you cite could not possibly work.

Please rightclick the shortcut; view its Properties; and copy and paste the
actual shortcut command to a message here.

It LOOKS like you may have two different .mdb files, both stored in a
subdirectory of your C:/Program Files/Office11 directory... but it's hard to
be sure.

A better shortcut, with quotes!, would be

"C:/Program Files/Office11/msaccess.exe" "K:/SomePath/yourdatabase.mdb"

Note that it's two separate files, rather than one long string; and the name
of the program is msaccess.exe, not access.exe.

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