Setup.exe - Windows Vista has encountered a problem....



On inserting the CD or running Setup.exe after a few seconds I get the Send
Error Report/Don't Send dialog come up. I haven't been able to get past this.
In the error report I can see that Setup.exe has thrown an exception error
codeL 0xe0000100 any help will be appreciated!

Chad Harris


I'm not being cute here but clean the VHP DVD carefully. Were you given any
more detailed information about the "unexpected error" like a number or some
specificity? 'Unexpected error" is not very helpful, but that may have
been all you saw.

Although I doubt it, is there a bios update for your particular bios for
Vista from the maker of your PC?


A list of Microsoft Knowledge Base articles is available to help
troubleshoot error messages that you may receive when you try to upgrade to
Windows Vista

Installation Media may not be recognized when you try to install Windows
Vista from the CD or DVD

You cannot select the Upgrade option when you try to install Windows Vista,
and you receive the following message: "Upgrade has been disabled"

You might want to check and see if you have these logs in these locations on
your legacy OS you're upgrading from, but often when you do they are written
in language that is difficult for the average computer user or often
advanced Windows buff to understand, and sometimes they are in languages
that need special tools for decrypting in order to make them as friendly as
possible for MSFT customers.

After all, Bill Gates told Jon Stewart in their second meeting after the
meeting in Gates' hotel room, that MSFT surveyed 50 families all over the
globe to see what they used their
computers for, and of course that's why Redmond MSFTies are intimately in
touch with the general population of their customers.

That's why so many logs that are ectopically, metastatically scattered to
the four corners of Windows Vista are composed in HEX--the communal language
of the Girls Night Out in Seattle.

Windows Vista setup log file locations

Particularly see if you can find




Try typing eventvwr.msc in the run box of the legacy OS, and see if there is
any helpful information when you click on System and arrow down through the

I would also like to note how exciting it is that Windows Vista setup logs
in Panther logs and Apple is getting ready to introduce Leopard soon.

It's great to see two fine makers of operating systems in the battle of the
Big Cats. Meowww you crazy kids in Cupertino and
Redmonvilleberg,Washington. LOL

Good luck,


Colin Barnhorst

Please give some details about what Vista you are talking about, what you
are trying to do, and some info about your system. Are you using an
Upgrade, x86 or x64, did you boot with the dvd, and so on?


Thanks Chad,
Before I tried that I had moved the CD from one drive to the other, then I
was geting hte 0x0 setup error instead.There was a big greasy fingerprint on
the DVD. Cleaned it up and it's working fine now.


Chad Harris

It would be one of the first things I did, if the setup error weren't
specific, glad to hear you're up and running.



Chad Harris

Was a good question since then, the burn is far and away the most common


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