Setup does not continue when computer restarts the first time



I am trying to do a reinstall of XP Pro. When my computer restarts the first
time during installation, it just takes me to a blank screen and sits there,
does not even try to do anything else. Anyone know why this is? Also, is
there a way to clean out a partial installation that did not complete?
Everytime I reboot, the Windows XP setup is in my list of operating systems.
I just want to reinstall from scratch. Thank You.



Try to format PC when you re-install Windows XP and meke sure there isn't
any external/added hardware connected to the PC during installation.
Espero que esta informacion sea util

Juan Manuel Maza
(e-mail address removed)
Este mensaje se proporciona "como está" sin garantías de ninguna clase,
y no otorga ningún derecho

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