setting up spreadsheet



using excel for sales contact log. i have row for each contact. I have
several columns for each contact (name, co, address, phone ... date of
contact, type of contact, notes. how do i format so i can add to the "date of
contact" "type of contact" "notes" columns AND keep related info with same
contact for sorting? I apologize, not sure how to even ask what i'm trying to
accomplish. thanks in advance!

Gord Dibben

If you have one row for each contact simply sort by contact.

Select all columns before sorting.

Not sure what you mean by "add to" etc.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


i don't know excel very well at all... i likely don't even have the file
created/set up properly... when you say "bottom of list" do you mean adding a
new row each time i have an update? that's what i've been doing, but sorting
by state column doesn't allow me to keep all of the rows together with that
one contact.


not sure i set this up right to begin with. i have more than one row for each
contact. right now each time i call, visit or send a letter to this contact i
add a row to make a note of date/type of contact/notes (in separate columns).
how do i keep each of the rows i add with the same contact so when i sort by
state all rows stay together with the contact?


How about including contact name in the "added" row of notes. Then sort on
name within state?

Sean Timmons

Well, you can sort by up to three columns at once. So, you would sort by
Contatcn name, then by State, or State then contact name..


thx. great suggestion, but when i sorted by name w/state, rows for each
contact didn't stay together. seems like there s/b (and may very well be) a
way to format each following row to stay with "contact name row"? for
example, one row has 10 columns. the last 3 columns only should have endless
rows, but still be included in the main row for the "contact name"... i know
i'm not likely making sense. trying to pose a question but i don't know excel
(very obviously)... trying to avoid taking a class, not sure what to look up
under Help. quick tips/suggetions for initial setup?

Sean Timmons

OK, highlight all columns that contain data.. Go to Data > Sort... and select
your column header name for Conact Name/Ascending and State/Ascending. This
will sort by contact name first, then by state. If this does not work, your
contact names may have a space before them in some cases...


that works well if i copy all data to each row. my problem then is how do i
count number of different contacts? i may have 50 rows, but all same contact
name. wish i knew how to set this up the proper way.

i have 12 columms of info in each row. each row represents one contact.
however, i may have 50 entries for only 3 of the 12 columns (date/type of
contact/notes) for that one contact (i add a note each time i am in touch
with that contact). what is the best way to format/enter so i can sort and
keep all rows for one contact together> can you group new rows together to
represent one contact? If so, then how do you count # of unique contacts?


is there a way to show you the excel file so you can see how i've set it up?
i believe i don't have it set up the right way and that's the problem. the
ways you've told me to sort DO work, but i don't think i have my workbook set
up the right way.

Gord Dibben

Send it to me via my email.


make changes to AT and DOT


Sean Timmons

Good deal. I was going to suggest using Pivot Tables (Data > Pivot Table...)
and dropping your contact name into the row field, but perhaps Gord can do me
one better

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