Setting up ACT



I am setting up ACT for my travel agency and before I put any data in I
want to have it set to include all of the fields I need.
There are 2 things that I am trying to figure out where best to put
1. I want to be able to include the family members of each contact and
their ages so that later when I want to send a promotion for a family
with kids I can sort the data to inlcude only those with kids say under
age 10 or adult only families.

2. I want to be able to track where the family traveled cruise, Disney
ect... Then I want to be able to pull information for all families that
have travelled to a destination to be able to send them discounts for
that in the future.

Would it be best to set up a new field on the contact page or should
this be done in groups. I have never worked with ACT so I want to try
to set it up to best serve my business right from the start.

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