Setting RecordSource on Subform



Hi! I've been looking at other questions posted here and have tried to
replicate one of the solutions proposed with no success.
I have a form and an (unlinked) subform. When users select a value from the
combo I want to set the Record Source for the subform to an SQL string which
uses said value ie SQLstring = "Select JobID FROM Job (where JobID = " &
cmbo.Value & ")" At present I get Error 30025 - 'Invalid SQL string. Check
Server Filter on Form record source.'
I don't have any filters (either on the form or on the server) I have
Debug.Printed my SQL and it looks fine .... Please, what am I doing wrong?

Rob Parker

SQLstring = "Select JobID FROM Job where (JobID = " & cmbo.Value & ")"

You've got the opening ( before the WHERE, rather than after. You could
omit the bracketing here, since it's not needed to force an evaluation
order. You may also need a closing ; in the SQL string. All of this may
mean that what you really need is:
SQLstring = "Select JobID FROM Job where JobID = " & cmbo.Value & ";"



Jim Scarlett said:
Hi! I've been looking at other questions posted here and have tried to
replicate one of the solutions proposed with no success.
I have a form and an (unlinked) subform. When users select a value from the
combo I want to set the Record Source for the subform to an SQL string which
uses said value ie SQLstring = "Select JobID FROM Job (where JobID = " &
cmbo.Value & ")" At present I get Error 30025 - 'Invalid SQL string. Check
Server Filter on Form record source.'
I don't have any filters (either on the form or on the server) I have
Debug.Printed my SQL and it looks fine .... Please, what am I doing

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