Setting Assembly TagPrefix in 2005??


Arthur Dent

Can anyone tell me what the equivalent in 2005 is for 2003's line
<Assembly: System.Web.UI.TagPrefix("Temporal.WEB.Controls", "twebc")>
in the AssemblyInfo file?

I have an assembly of my own custom webcontrols which i am trying to port to
2005, but cannot seem to find this piece of info.

Thanks in advance,
- Arthur Dent.


Hi Arthur,

I dont think this gets changed in 2005 . I do worked on various controls i
developed myself but didnt faced any issue reg the register tag prefix.

I used like this in c# code , Not sure where you are getting issues reg

[Assembly: System.Web.UI.TagPrefix("Temporal.WEB.Controls", "twebc")]

Arthur Dent

Where im getting confused is that i do not see an AssemblyInfo file in the
project anymore, and if i do an Add > New Item... i dont see a template for
AssemblyInfo either..... did you just add an empy Module or Class file, and
then rename it to AssemblyInfo, or ?
As I understood it (quite possibly incorrectly) the My Project item in the
tree replaced AssemblyInfo, but i dont see any where in that things property
pages to add in the assembly tagprefix either.

Thanks in advance,
- Arthur

Hari said:
Hi Arthur,

I dont think this gets changed in 2005 . I do worked on various controls
i developed myself but didnt faced any issue reg the register tag prefix.

I used like this in c# code , Not sure where you are getting issues reg

[Assembly: System.Web.UI.TagPrefix("Temporal.WEB.Controls", "twebc")]

Arthur Dent said:
Can anyone tell me what the equivalent in 2005 is for 2003's line
<Assembly: System.Web.UI.TagPrefix("Temporal.WEB.Controls", "twebc")>
in the AssemblyInfo file?

I have an assembly of my own custom webcontrols which i am trying to port
to 2005, but cannot seem to find this piece of info.

Thanks in advance,
- Arthur Dent.


Hi Arthur,

I got confused , I was able to see the assemblyinfo.cs inside a properties
folder . Are we discussing the register tag prefix regarding the
or i understood something wrong ? As mentioned in the thread before , you
can add that line mentioned there.
Still was wondering , Did i understood anything wrong ?

Also its possible for you to use a same assembly info of your 2003/2002


Arthur Dent said:
Where im getting confused is that i do not see an AssemblyInfo file in the
project anymore, and if i do an Add > New Item... i dont see a template
for AssemblyInfo either..... did you just add an empy Module or Class
file, and then rename it to AssemblyInfo, or ?
As I understood it (quite possibly incorrectly) the My Project item in the
tree replaced AssemblyInfo, but i dont see any where in that things
property pages to add in the assembly tagprefix either.

Thanks in advance,
- Arthur

Hari said:
Hi Arthur,

I dont think this gets changed in 2005 . I do worked on various controls
i developed myself but didnt faced any issue reg the register tag prefix.

I used like this in c# code , Not sure where you are getting issues reg

[Assembly: System.Web.UI.TagPrefix("Temporal.WEB.Controls", "twebc")]

Arthur Dent said:
Can anyone tell me what the equivalent in 2005 is for 2003's line
<Assembly: System.Web.UI.TagPrefix("Temporal.WEB.Controls", "twebc")>
in the AssemblyInfo file?

I have an assembly of my own custom webcontrols which i am trying to
port to 2005, but cannot seem to find this piece of info.

Thanks in advance,
- Arthur Dent.

Arthur Dent

Hmm, digging around, i seem to have found the file. Maybe it is a diff in
how VB and C# show the project files. In VB the AssemblyInfo file is not
visible in Solution Explorer. But if i dig around in the filesystem, there
is a directory for the My Project object which does contain it. Ill have to
play with that tonight and see if putting the line in there works as

Thanks for the help!


That's correct, by default VS2005 doesn't show the AssemblyInfo.vb file
in solution explorer when working on a VB project, but if you're using
C# it does. And it is in the My Project folder for VB apps.

You can view it inside VS by clicking the "Show All Files" button in
Solution Explorer. This should allow you to expand My Projects and see
the stuff in there.

Note that you can also add the assembly level attributes elsewhere,
although I've always found it tidier to keep them in AssemblyInfo.


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