SetAuthCookie works, but our cookies aren't being written - HELP




We recently started writing a couple encrypted values to the user's cookie using FormsAuthentication.Encrypt. Such as:
Dim tmpTicket1 As New FormsAuthenticationTicket(1, "TEST", Date.Now, Date.Now.AddMinutes(60), False, "Boom1")
Dim tmpResults1 As String = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(tmpTicket1)
Response.Cookies.Add(New HttpCookie("TEST", tmpResults1))

And then we are reading it like:

BUT - we are noticing that in some cases, people who *do* accept session cookies (confirmed because their cookie session works and FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie works) do *NOT* accept our non persistant cookie. The frustrating thing is that we cannot recreate the issue, so I grasping at straws.

Is there anything glaringly wrong with the code listed above? Further, how exactly is ASP.NET setting the cookie through SetAuthCookie that sticks, but ours don't stick?




I have the same Problem.

If you find an answer let me know please!

Tyson Brown said:

We recently started writing a couple encrypted values to the user's cookie
using FormsAuthentication.Encrypt. Such as:
Dim tmpTicket1 As New FormsAuthenticationTicket(1, "TEST", Date.Now,
Date.Now.AddMinutes(60), False, "Boom1")
Dim tmpResults1 As String = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(tmpTicket1)
Response.Cookies.Add(New HttpCookie("TEST", tmpResults1))

And then we are reading it like:

BUT - we are noticing that in some cases, people who *do* accept session
cookies (confirmed because their cookie session works and
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie works) do *NOT* accept our non persistant
cookie. The frustrating thing is that we cannot recreate the issue, so I
grasping at straws.
Is there anything glaringly wrong with the code listed above? Further, how
exactly is ASP.NET setting the cookie through SetAuthCookie that sticks, but
ours don't stick?

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