Set the focus



I am trapping for a duplicate Container number. After the error is trapped I want to set the focus back to the field (Container) that has the duplicate value. This is written in Access 97. The problem is that the focus does not return to the appropriate field. The following is the code

Select Case Err.Numbe
Case 302
' Container # is a duplicat
strMSG = "Container #" & Me.Container & " is a duplicate." & Chr(10
strMSG = strMSG & "Please input a different Container #.
strOpt = vbOKOnl
strRes = MsgBox(strMSG, strOpt, strTtl
' Set the focus back to the Container fiel

* This is the problem area. It advances to the next field on the sub-form instea
* of returning focus to the container field


Case Els
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbCritical, cstrProcNam
End Selec
GoTo ExitHer

Marshall Barton

SHIPP said:
I am trapping for a duplicate Container number. After the error is trapped I want to set the focus back to the field (Container) that has the duplicate value. This is written in Access 97. The problem is that the focus does not return to the appropriate field. The following is the code:

Select Case Err.Number
Case 3022
' Container # is a duplicate
strMSG = "Container #" & Me.Container & " is a duplicate." & Chr(10)
strMSG = strMSG & "Please input a different Container #."
strOpt = vbOKOnly
strRes = MsgBox(strMSG, strOpt, strTtl)
' Set the focus back to the Container field

* This is the problem area. It advances to the next field on the sub-form instead
* of returning focus to the container field.


Case Else
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbCritical, cstrProcName
End Select
GoTo ExitHere

The focus can not be moved in either the Before Update

The way to do this kind of validation is to use the
BeforeUpdate event and set Cancel = True when you want to
prevent the focus from moving on to another control.

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