Set RTF2 control alignment default



Mr. Lebans-

I'm trying to set the RTF2 control text alignment control to default to
Justify. I can change it successfully within the control at runtime but to
simplify things for my users, I want the control to default to justify. I
don't see an alignment option in the control's custom property dialog box
and when I try to change the SelAlignment property in the properties, it
won't accept my changes. Am I required to change it in code in the form's
load event perhaps?

Stephen Lebans

There is no default Alignment per se. You would have to write an RTF control
code string into the RTF formatting for all new records to specify a default
Alignment value. For existing records, the default alignment uses whatever
is the current alignment for the text preceding the current Insertion point.
I guess you could loop through all of your records, Select all of the text,
set the SelAlignment prop as desired, and then continue the loop.


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.


The existing records are fine. The users have changed the alignment
properly. I was just trying to take a step out for them. I'll try playing
with the alignment control code string for new records.
Thanks for the input.

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