Set focus to another Database




My app is a front/end backend combination. On opening the frontend, code is
run to determine if newer tables are available on the mainframe. If there
are, then the backend tables are updated. That's the condensed version, but
it takes a couple of minutes to do and there's quite a bit going on actually.

What I would like to do, is create a progress form (i.e. progress bar and
text box) that displays the progress of the jobs being done to the backend.
The problem is that I must have this progress form in the backend as the
front end is just calling the function to execute in the backend - in other
words I can't really determine which step the backend is on from the
frontend. So, my progress form is on the backend, but since the backend
never actually receives focus I can't see my progress form. The question
then is: how can I set focus to the backend db?

Oh yeah, Access97.

Thanks in advance

Douglas J. Steele

You may be fooling yourself.

Just because the function is in the backend doesn't mean it's running there.
Unlike, say, SQL Server or Oracle, Access isn't a database server. A copy of
the function is being transmitted across the wire to your PC, where it's
running. In other words, it's probably less efficient in the long run than
if you had the code in your frontend.

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