service pack 2 PC crash!!!



after creating a restor point prior to installing service pac 2 i installed
the update. After automatic reboote pc would not get past loading screan and
just contuied to restart. Had to cut the power after loading screan but
before it cut out on its own to get pc to check the disk this allowed pc to
start. Now loading taked 10 mins and any action takes several mins to open
files. sevice pac wiped all adminestrative accounts and adminestrative
accounts page is blank. System restore says i am not an adminestrative and
will not allow me to restore. Again admiestrator page is blank and will not
allow an account to be made. Windows xp home edition. Is there any way to
get around this problem and restore files?

Shenan Stanley

tearsfromtheheart said:
after creating a restor point prior to installing service pac 2 i
installed the update. After automatic reboote pc would not get
past loading screan and just contuied to restart. Had to cut the
power after loading screan but before it cut out on its own to get
pc to check the disk this allowed pc to start. Now loading taked
10 mins and any action takes several mins to open files. sevice
pac wiped all adminestrative accounts and adminestrative accounts
page is blank. System restore says i am not an adminestrative and
will not allow me to restore. Again admiestrator page is blank and
will not allow an account to be made. Windows xp home edition. Is
there any way to get around this problem and restore files?

Safe Mode..
C:\Documents and Settings\
See all the profile directories there?

Also - sounds more like some other problem than SP2 installation.


PC was fine, No problems in anything or tasks. PC crashed on instilation of
service pack 2. this was the only thing done. PC just used for basic things,
Yahoomessenger to stay in contact with husband in Iraq, email, No printer,
games or any thing else is on it. this happened when I tried to install SP2.

Maurice N ~ MVP

Do a WINVER at next chance and see what version number it displays (if it shows Service pack 2).
Start >> RUN >> type in Winver

I also wonder if you had disabled your antivirus program, as well as most user-startup apps before applying SP2 ?

See whether the service pack has fully installed, or, whether Windows XP is in a questionable state.

Review the contents of the service pack log. C:\Windows\Svcpack.log or C:\WINNT\Svcpack.log
That should give a clue as to what happened during the run to install the service pack.

Keep this SP2 reference page handy. Do look over the pre-installation suggestions.

Shenan Stanley

Shenan Stanley wrote:
tearsfromtheheart said:
after creating a restor point prior to installing service pac 2 i
installed the update. After automatic reboote pc would not get
past loading screan and just contuied to restart. Had to cut the
power after loading screan but before it cut out on its own to get
pc to check the disk this allowed pc to start. Now loading taked
10 mins and any action takes several mins to open files. sevice
pac wiped all adminestrative accounts and adminestrative accounts
page is blank. System restore says i am not an adminestrative and
will not allow me to restore. Again admiestrator page is blank
and will not allow an account to be made. Windows xp home
edition. Is there any way to get around this problem and restore
Safe Mode..
C:\Documents and Settings\
See all the profile directories there?
PC was fine, No problems in anything or tasks. PC crashed on
instilation of service pack 2. this was the only thing done. PC
just used for basic things, Yahoomessenger to stay in contact with
husband in Iraq, email, No printer, games or any thing else is on
it. this happened when I tried to install SP2.

Didn't answer the question about Documents and Settings..

Still do not think it was SP2. SP2 may have been a factor - but I believe
something else happened that caused all the trouble, SP2 may have just been
"the last straw" or "the trigger".

If you have a cracked engine block (whether you know it or not) and the last
thing you did was changed the oil - do you think it was the oil change that
blew the motor?


In safe mode,it says SP2 installed, admin account is there but accounts page
is still blank and cannot create a new one, clicking (NO) to ues restart and
use restore only loads non admin account. I have no virus software on this
pc, other than what is provided by people PC, every thing was closed as
update notification said before begining . other security updates loaded and
installed fine up to SP2. If I manage to get this thing fixed...Wondows
update can hand it in their backside!!! I am using a borrowed laptop now. Its
tough enough having a family and husband deployed to make ends meet, when
what is suposed to help protect and update what you have does the other and
trashes it. Thank you all for your help, it is verry much appreciated

Maurice N ~ MVP

You need to see any fatal error that Windows may have. So do the following.
Right Click the My Computer icon on desktop. Select Properties.
Next, select Advanced. Look for a block that says Startup and recovery. Press the settings button.
In System failure section, turn off (un-check) Automatically restart.
Write an event to system log should be Checked (selected).
Apply changes & exit normally.

Did you login with "Administrator" account while in Safe mode?

You said "accounts page is still blank" Which page / where did you go looking?
From XP's main menu, select Control Panel. Then select User Accounts. Then only look --- besides Administrator & Guest, do you see the other account(s) ?


the user accounts page is blank....nothing is there.did what you safe mode is the onlyway to get an administrator option to
show..when trying to ues systemrestore is says a divice attached to the
system is not functioning...mouse, keyboard and moniter is all that is on it,
have disconected it all, reconected..still nothing. starting
says im not authorized to preform system restore. now the start button is no
there... Thank you for tryong to help me, my dad is comming from Missouri to
see if he can fix it. again Thank you

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