Service Pack 2 issue


John Locke

I installed windows XP Service Pack 2 on the PC and have some issues.
When I click on any programs to start them, the computer thinks for a
second and does nothing. An example would be Word. I double-click the
Word icon and nothing happens. If I bring up a Word document, Word is
opened automatically. This goes for pretty much all my programs,
except for Internet Explorer, which works fine. If I try to run a
program using the Run Prompt, it does nothing. I tried this with
MSCONFIG. Any recommendations?

Bob Eyster

It sounds like you have a virus. The is one out there that will not allow
you to run MSCONFIG from the run prompt.

I would update your virus scanner and do a full scan of your PC. If you have
Norton Virus Program insert the CD in to your CD ROM (Make sure you have it
set in your BIOS to boot from CD) and reboot you PC. It will prompt you to
boot from you CD.

John Locke

I use a computer asociates virus scan product from Verizon / Yahoo. I
ran a virus scan with updated defintions about 3 hours before I
installed Service Pack 2. The only way it could be a virus is if
Microsoft installed it on my machine. Thanks for the suggestion.

BTW. My virus protection used to come up at startup and now doesn't.
When I double click the antivirus software icon, nothing happens.

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