Service Pack 2 has fried my dig camera USB driver brains



I've been uploading digital photos from a Fujifilm camera
for 2 years, first to a Windows 98, then to XP home
edition as of a year ago. Since I installed Service Pack
2, I cannot. Downloading the driver from the Fujifilm web
site and reinstalling it doesn't make any difference. I
haven't found anything on the PC yet to help me solve the
problem. HELP!

David H. Lipman

That's OK. You should NOT have to connect the camera directly to a PC anyway. It only
wastes the camera's battery/charge.

The *best* way is to use a USB based memory card reader and take the memory card out of the
camera and place it in the reader. It will appear as a drive letter such as "G:".

I always suggest SanDisk USB card Readers and SanDisk Ultra II (60x) memory cards.

BTW: What memory card does you camera use ?

| I've been uploading digital photos from a Fujifilm camera
| for 2 years, first to a Windows 98, then to XP home
| edition as of a year ago. Since I installed Service Pack
| 2, I cannot. Downloading the driver from the Fujifilm web
| site and reinstalling it doesn't make any difference. I
| haven't found anything on the PC yet to help me solve the
| problem. HELP!

David H. Lipman

Not really. Especially if the memory card reader is USB v2.0. Then data will be read much
faster off the memory card and will not be dependent upon the camera's electronics which are
usually slower than the USB v2.0 standard, especially on lower end point & shoot cameras.
Plus you can swap memory cards so you can be processing the pictures (hue, brightness,
rotation, contrast, etc) while still being able to use the camera.

I can't imagine it being easier to hook up the camera to AC adapter, hook up USB to PC,
turning on camera and downloading pictures from camera when all you have to do is remove
card and insert in memory card reader on PC. You'll also find this is the advice of
professionals at;

I practice what I preach and take 100's of MB's of 6.3MP pictures per shoot.


| Much easier to just plug the camera in. Batteries are not affected if
| you attach power adaptor!
| Check out the following advice from Fuju
| John Allen
| On Sun, 3 Oct 2004 22:56:55 -0400, "David H. Lipman"
| >That's OK. You should NOT have to connect the camera directly to a PC anyway. It only
| >wastes the camera's battery/charge.
| >
| >The *best* way is to use a USB based memory card reader and take the memory card out of
| >camera and place it in the reader. It will appear as a drive letter such as "G:".
| >
| >I always suggest SanDisk USB card Readers and SanDisk Ultra II (60x) memory cards.
| >
| >Dave
| >BTW: What memory card does you camera use ?
| >
| >
| >
| >| >| I've been uploading digital photos from a Fujifilm camera
| >| for 2 years, first to a Windows 98, then to XP home
| >| edition as of a year ago. Since I installed Service Pack
| >| 2, I cannot. Downloading the driver from the Fujifilm web
| >| site and reinstalling it doesn't make any difference. I
| >| haven't found anything on the PC yet to help me solve the
| >| problem. HELP!
| >

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