Service does not respond after OnStart()


Michael Groeger

Hi ng,

I have written a service with .NET FW 1.0. The service runs as expected on
all machines but one (Windows 2000 Server, SP4). The OnStart method of the
service is left so that the mmc should be informed that the service is now
running but instead I get "Error 1053: The service did not respond to the
start or control request in a timely fashion" .

I tried to install fw 1.0 sp3, but without any effects. Does somebody know
this issue? All other machines have Windows 2000 Server SP2 installed, is
there a problem with SP4?


Chris Dunaway

What happens in the OnStart method? Perhaps the one machine that is
failing is missing some component or installed software that your
service needs?

Michael Groeger

Hi Chris,

thanks for your reply. No the service starts as expected without any errors.
The only thing is that when leaving OnStart it does not respond to the
service manager (or how this is called?).


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