Service application



Hi, everybody

I've got a couple of questions, one appears an easy one and another
looked to me more difficult. So, I wrote in C# very simple service
and the only thing this service does - it's starting some exe. Now,
the simple question is how I can access and modify such things like
version, file description ... of my service exe. If I go to Resource
Tab, which is completely empty, whenever I "right-button click" -
nothing. I'm very new to C#, so probably it's simple?

And the second question - if I'm starting my exe normally, I mean as
a currently logged to the machine user, obviously I can use any pop up
windows, messages. But if my service starting the same exe, its
execution stops at the very first some message pops up. So this is
essential property of the process if not the user but System starts
it, i.e. any GUI call will stop execution?



1) If your Service exe project has an AssemblyInfo.cs file, you should be
able to enter all the version etc. attributes you need.
2) Windows Services are designed to start running before any human has
actually logged on to the computer. Consequently, if their is any UI involved
you run the risk of your app hanging as there is nobody logged on to dismiss
a MessageBox or press a button. If you need a UI, make it separate from your
service and have it communicate with a WCF Host in the service.
-- Peter
Recursion: see Recursion


Thank you, Peter, very much for your answers.

I've suspected the same for second question, it was just very nice to
get some confirmation from MVP. The first one was easy one indeed,

Thanks again,

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