Server setup for .NET ver. 2.0



Ok, so we have a server running Win 2003 Server, and IIS 6.0. We have
successfully worked projects from this server using VS 1.1 on remote
development machines. We want to get started using VS 2005 against this
machine. We installed the .NET Framework 2.0 but were unable to get it to
work against VS 2005 Standard edition. We thought that installing VS 2005
Standard on the server might "straighten out" the situation but that didn't
work either.

I have created the simplest possible website on the server from a remote
machine, a default page with some text on it. The symptom is that the server
chokes on the first line of the .aspx file. The first line of the file and
the error it produces are reproduced below;

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs"
Inherits="_Default" %>

Parser Error Message: Could not load type '_Default'.

Have we neglected something in the setup of our web server for VS 2005? Do
we need to remove the old version of the framework?


Andrew Robinson

Have you set the ASP.NET version to 2.0 for the Virtual Directory under IIS?

Look at the ASP.NET tab on your web site / virtual directory properties.


Thanks for the quick fix. It never occurred to me that a website created
from Visual Studio 2005 would default to the old version of the framework on
the server!


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