Server Control - Datagrid paging event - not firing for previous pages

  • Thread starter Christopher Pragash
  • Start date

Christopher Pragash

Hello All

I am having a pretty wired problem...I am writing a web part (SPS 2003) that
uses a Datagrid. In the web part, I create the datagird assign some
properties and add event handlers for paging and sorting using AddHandler.
While browsing, I sort the grid and do paging, it works fine for increasing
page if I go from 1 - to - 2 - to - 3 the sort is maintained
and the paging works fine. If I come back to page 2 from page 3, the post
back occurs, but the paging event is not fired at all and the page remains
at page 3. I have tried debugging, but could not figure out whats causing

Any thoughts or help would be really great.




Did you find a solution to this? I am writing a Web Part with a paged
DataGrid and have precisely the same problem.


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