"serious error" ATI driver?



Toshiba Satellite Laptop model 1115-S103 running WinXP, display adaptor "Mobility Radeon" , current driver ATI Technologies Inc., 4/22/2002, ver , apparently signed by MS compatabilit

I've used this computer for over one year with no problems. Starting last week I'm getting long freezes, followe by "recovered from serious error" messages. After I sent off the report on the first one, I got a message from MS saying that the display driver needed to be updated and directing me to an ATI website. When I tried downloading the new driver, it wouldn't install -- said "hardware not found". After investigation (pain in the butt) I found that this machine apparently uses a Radeon adaptor made by ATI and licensed to Toshiba. I downloaded the driver from the Toshiba website and installed it. I don't know if it was actually an update from the previous one

Problem is, I'm still getting freezes and "recovered from serious error" messages. Sometimes it goes into Safe mode and I have to reboot. It doesn't happen often or predictably. I don't get any more informational suggestions from MS

The devices I have installed on this machine recently are an SMC wireless card, and an HP 1012 Laserjet USB printer. The HP driver is digitally signed, the SMC driver isn't.

Any suggestions? My work depends on the reliability of this laptop

Thanks, David


ATI and its partners use the same software/drivers (usually),have you tried th
most recent configuration at ati for xp,2 weeks or less old.The most stable o
all thier drivers is version 7.5 from sept. 03,go to software drivers,xp,radeon family
scroll to end of page,previous versions,locate 7.
You cant just update the display driver,you need to install all of them,plus,when installing th
4,dont restart the computer after each,install all 4 one after the other,then restart computer
Also,make sure you have direct x 9.0b installed from microsoft.

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