Serializing a Color property



I am having trouble serializing a color property. Basically, it is not
serializing the value. For instance, in the following:

<Serializable()> _
Public Class TestColor
Private _MyColor As System.Drawing.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red

Public Property MyColor() As System.Drawing.Color
Return _MyColor
End Get

Set(ByVal Value as System.Drawing.Color)
_Orange = Value
End Set
End Property
End Class

If I instantiate this class, set the MyColor property to
System.Drawing.Color.Purple and then serialize it to an XML file, I get
something like the following line in the file:

<MyColor />

which is obviously not correct. And when deserialized MyColor of course gets
set to nothing/White/0.

I know that I saw somewhere that there was -something- extra I had to do to
serialize/deserialize this type of data (i.e. Color data) properly. But I
can't remember what it was and can't seem to find it anymore. Anyone got the
solution? Driving me crazy....

rather than the actual

Greg Burns

I was playing with the code yesterday:

It serializes the color property differently for some reason I don't quite
get. Is this what you are looking for???


Imports vbUserSettings

''' <summary>
''' Stores settings for Form1.
''' </summary>
Public Class Form1Settings
Inherits UserSettingsBase

''' <summary>
''' Indicates whether the form is currently round.
''' </summary>
Public IsRound As Boolean
''' <summary>
''' The form's Opacity percentage (0-100).
''' </summary>
Public Opacity As Double = 100
''' <summary>
''' The top coordinate of the form.
''' </summary>
Public Top As Integer
''' <summary>
''' The left coordinate of the form.
''' </summary>
Public Left As Integer
''' <summary>
''' The height of the form.
''' </summary>
Public Height As Integer
''' <summary>
''' The width of the form.
''' </summary>
Public Width As Integer
Private mColor As Color = Color.DarkGoldenrod

#Region " Constructors "

''' <summary>
''' Creates a new, empty settings object which will be
''' stored in isolated storage.
''' </summary>
Public Sub New()

End Sub

''' <summary>
''' Creates a new, empty settings object.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="StorageOption">The location to store the
Public Sub New(ByVal StorageOption As UserStorageOption)


End Sub

#End Region

#Region " Color "

''' <summary>
''' The BackColor setting for the form.
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>
''' This property is the same as ColorName except that it
''' works with the Color type. Setting this property changes
''' ColorName and visa versa.
''' </remarks>
<Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnore()> _
Public Property Color() As Color
Return mColor
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Color)
mColor = Value
End Set
End Property

''' <summary>
''' String representation of the BackColor setting for
''' the form.
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>
''' This property is the same as Color except that it
''' works with String values. Setting this property changes
''' Color and visa versa.
''' </remarks>
Public Property ColorName() As String
Return mColor.ToKnownColor.ToString
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
mColor = Color.FromName(Value)
End Set
End Property

#End Region

End Class


Yep! All these suggestions (both yours and Imran's) did the trick. Just had
to figure out what type of color it was, then either save it as a name or as
a number. Now working perfectly.

Thanks again!


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